View Poll Results: All in?
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Insomnia striking again. Idk what to do... I browse forum while I wait some YoTube cilps to stream...

I really wanna kill that vampire that bit me.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 9, 2013 at 01:26 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Aff, that sucks. I've never had a problem with sleeping except countable nights, and they were frustrating as fuck. I usually have such problem when I overthink about what happens to my consciousnesses when I'm asleep and what not. Sometimes the idea of loss control annoys me.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I haz a plan in a corner of my head to make an illustrated book someday, far in the future. I can draw pretty correctly and I'd like to try myself to storytelling ! I'm too lazy and not good enough to draw comics, so illustrated books sounds like the right plan between writting and a reasonnable amount of drawings :3

true dat ! Saying "The world is bad, war is bad, Love is good and lets make peace" does sound naïve and stoopid. Anyone can have good feelings toward his fellow man. But I think that's where talent enters the game : to pass on ideas/feelings and change people, you have to touch their very soul, give a bit of yourself, be truely honest, and know the foundations of your thinking.

And as you said, we all have different ways of feeling fullfilled ! And if I don't change the world, my way implies to try ! I'll probably have a child one day, and since I figured out how hard it can be to live in this absurd thing we made, I feel the need to make it better, make it acceptable. I don't wanna "create" a human being if he's gonna act like a cancer for the rest of Life, or if he's gonna be traumatized by the rest of his kind because he'll know something's wrong.

there are only TWO primary instincts: to eat and to fuck (reproduce)

all our life and motivations based on these two.
to acomplish something, to earn status, to create something. afterall it's all to improve our chances to get more food and to get laid. Just try to monitor your thoughts and ask yourself why you do it? then ask yourself again why you do what you answered and repeat. in the end you will come to end of chain where it's to eat and fuck. if you claim different you are hypocrite.

then try to see a difference when you compare yourself + socium to behaviour of schooling animals. you will find none. the difference is only in ammount of links in chain from your "elevated thoughts" to basic "eat and fuck"

faith in humanity? lol
we are no different then any organic life and our purpose is simply to exist. to eat and reproduce as whole. and what we are talking about right now have no meaning too, since we are just leafs on the three of dna.

what is the purpose of organic life? to simply exist? i don't see a logic
Some philosophic stuff?
Human can't be a piece of meat for having an ability to actually "think".
Ain't discriminating animals, but adding more objectives to humans.
Instincts are in everyone from the beginning, and we have to deal with them.
idk about u Snake but besides, eating and fucking, I have at least one more urge (unconnected to those two), and that is - creativity.
I'm creating not because that will bring me food or fuck, but because I like producing stuff of my own and I enjoy the process of creating.
Sure, there is a thing that's done for money and status, maybe even sex, but that's reserved for work, and its a part of a daily routine of 'well-paid-slavery''.
While at home, I'm sure I do not make things to bring me money so I can buy food, or to bring me some fame so I can find partner for reproducing, etc.
No. It's just an urge. Same like urge to breathe.
And i'm sure, in every human there is that urge, to create (or destroy, depends). So, it's not just about those two things.
Snake, that's a bit of a simple way to see life. It has been said by Idontrememberwho that methaphysical questions are inherent to the human condition, which I think is true. What am I ? Why am I here ? what purpose do I serve ? etc...

Just try to monitor your thoughts and ask yourself why you do it? then ask yourself again why you do what you answered and repeat. in the end you will come to end of chain where it's to eat and fuck. if you claim different you are hypocrite.

Music is not the good plan to eat, and I already haz a gf to haz sex with. So why do I feel the need to keep doing so ? I'm older than you by a few years, believe me when I say I had time to ask myself those questions, during those few years without job/school.
There's more than just eat and fuck. Of course that's all we need to live, but as conscious (or semi-conscious) beings, we apparently need more than just the natural needs.

We're not just "down to earth" as we're not just "elevated conscious", we're both. We have morals, religions, arts, philosophy, history, politics...Some things we need to survive as a social specy. But we still need to eat and fuck.

faith in humanity? lol
we are no different then any organic life and our purpose is simply to exist. to eat and reproduce as whole. and what we are talking about right now have no meaning too, since we are just leafs on the three of dna.

Of course we are no different, we ARE organic life. But most of people being uneducated they tend to never realize it. And yes faith in humanity despite the rest, no lol here. I like to hope I'm not the only one capable of empathy among 7 billions of people.
As you said we need to eat and fuck, and being in decent health. That's the natural rights you're supposed to have, as a living thing; to answer your basic needs.
But we made a world in which the largest part of the population can barelly answer those very needs, or can't at all, in the name of absurd material wealth, power and other twisted principles. And that outrages me, digusts me, or make me sad... or everything at the same time.

Oh, just hit my mind, as a social specy, we need to share as well.

what is the purpose of organic life? to simply exist? i don't see a logic

I don't get this. You don't see logic in life ?
Why do I crate?

Hmmm. Tough question.

- because I feel good while I do it and
- because I wish to share that feeling with others, through the things I create
btw it's Saturday, why don't we create some dead AI bodies in ARMA II? XD
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 9, 2013 at 04:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Oh btw guys, do you know No More Room in Hell ? it's a free game (a Half-life 2 mod actually) with zombies. It's still in beta but it's awesome, and it's multiplayer, and then again it's free. And it does require good co-op so It could be fun to play ;p

You only need to install the Source SDK base 2007 in Steam (library > tools > down of the list)
Last edited by deprav; Mar 9, 2013 at 05:20 PM.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Oh btw guys, do you know No More Room in Hell ? it's a free game (a Half-life 2 mod actually) with zombies. It's still in beta but it's awesome, and it's multiplayer, and then again it's free. And it does require good co-op so It could be fun to play ;p

You only need to install the Source SDK base 2007 in Steam (library > tools > down of the list)

Played single player map called: "night of a million zombies" if my memo is not disobeying me.
However going to check this thing out a couple of weeks later due to temporary
lack of net speed.
Remember when i used to play buggy racings online in Hl2.