When I finally take the time to include subliminal messages, people don't find them. I should take lessons in how to hide stuff so people will find it.
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
I fucking told you staying alone was not the way to go. Idiots...

I'm sarcastic ffs

I was in team with two other people, but they abandoned me right before sending PM to sir... fags.
gg toribash
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
When I finally take the time to include subliminal messages, people don't find them. I should take lessons in how to hide stuff so people will find it.

First of all, your "subliminal messages" are as well-hidden as my female cousin's stash of gay porn mags which she "hides" under her PILLOW.

Second of all, your usage of sarcasm ... is brilliant. Also, I'm a fairy.

Lastly, some of us just want to wallow in our decrepit cesspools in peace while waiting for our respective bans to be lifted.
You ain't got no customers

Everyone join with me and laugh at his fail of a shop
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.