I downloaded Gimp before because I wanted to learn how to make textures for TB, but I never really had much time on my hands. I can't learn now because my PC is busted. Imagine how much TC I'd have by now if I was really good.
a spoon.
Gimp is pretty alright. Sometimes you have to do a workaround for something that Photoshop can do in one button, but it's fantastic for free software.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I'm trying to stay away from Facebook because this Manny Pacquiao thing has been blowing up all over my news feed for the past couple days. Add to that my gay friend posting gay rights statuses non-stop. The first few statuses were okay, standing up for gay rights on social media, I'm all for that, but then he just kept posting what was basically the same rant written differently in each post. Things are pretty hectic over there. I'll return to my news feed when the storm has passed.
a spoon.
I open facebook and go "Oh dear god, people are stupid" and close it ASAP
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
If you didn't know, I'm from the Philippines, so it's pretty hard to escape the whole issue. Shit's all over the radio, the TV, add to that my country being full of bigoted bastards. Fuck, man.
a spoon.
hahaha, a homophobic boxer in the house of representatives. Good job Philippines.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Did he take up boxing to keep the homosexuals away from him or is it just a coincidence?
Good morning sweet princess
If what I read on the internet is true, the media cut the video of the interview and it made Pacquiao look really bad. He supposedly also said that he's okay with homosexuals in romantic relationships with one another. He said that that should be enough and that they should just not marry because it's against the law of God. Still dumb to me, though. He claims to "love his gay brothers and sisters" but refuses to grant them equal rights.
a spoon.
Anyone that isn't willing to take a dick in the ass is a hypocrite.
Oh god that sounds like something you'd find on tumblr. I'm so sorry.

Everyone Moderated Message:
You should be ashamed.
Last edited by Tuna; Feb 20, 2016 at 12:45 PM.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I just picked up rust for the first time in month or so. It's been updated a good chunk; anyone have it?