Atmog's sounds better. Btw is there a difference in the AD you gain from getting either one of them first?
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Atmog's sounds better. Btw is there a difference in the AD you gain from getting either one of them first?

Atma's first gives you the actual AD up front, along with some armor and crit chance.

Warmogs is just flat health. Quite a useless item without atma's, but atma's isn't useful on some people without it.

So you have to look at base stats before you decide which first.

I'd still say fratma's is the better choice just because you get utility and some damage with the frozen mallet for only a little bit more gold compared to the warmogs.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
But in case of the atma's passive AD bonus. You get extra if you get it before a warmog which works well with its passive than when you get the warmog's first right?
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
But in case of the atma's passive AD bonus. You get extra if you get it before a warmog which works well with its passive than when you get the warmog's first right?

It's only 2% of your health converted to AD. You get 980 flat health straight off the bat. You can only get a bonus 300 health from warmogs. Combined with the 980, or 1280 total bonus health, that's only a bonus 26 damage from getting the warmogs first before atma's. Warmogs is solely a survivability item, and should be viewed as such, not a supplement to atma's.

Basically, in terms of damage, atmog's is basically a 5000+ gold version of the bf sword.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I used to build Warmog's religiously, until I found the beauty of the item which goes by "Frozen Mallet".

Also Oracle, get on League for once so we can do Go4LoL, ranked fives, and scrims again because everybody in Televators is active again. Also, Lukas recently hit platinum. He's nearly 2k elo now.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Ruiri View Post
Is Yi a good jungle?

He's not terrible, but his lack of cc hurts him so take smite/exhaust, get some attack speed reds with armour yellows and whatever other runes you want, start cloth 5/boots 3 if you get a strong leash, then just farm. Gank if there's opportunities, but honestly Yi is good if you just farm for ages. Don't initiate in team fights, wait for an opportunity to jump on a carry or something.
Guys, suggest you to try out this in ranked:
1.Nunu - massive slow, huge damage.
2.Amumu - massive stun, tank, engager.
3.Kennen - massive stun, tons of damage.
4.Gangplank - massive slow, medium damage.
5.Ashe - massive stun, solo damage.
^ 1, 2, 3 can easily destroy a full team.
4 and 5 are basicly the ones who just make last hits.
Works all the time.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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