Soul Eater anime is better than the manga, but only if you didn't read the manga
If you read the manga then watch the anime then you will be a little sad and annoyed.
If you watch the anime then read the manga then you will be happy.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Soul Eater anime is better than the manga, but only if you didn't read the manga
If you read the manga then watch the anime then you will be a little sad and annoyed.
If you watch the anime then read the manga then you will be happy.

Oh crap... I always overlook the counterpart of a series (whether it be the animated or the drawn version). T_T

Rewatched K-ON for the 63rd time.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
Rewatched K-ON for the 63rd time.

If you watch it more than once, there's something wrong with you ;3
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride
Originally Posted by avatars10 View Post
If you aren't completely in love with K-On!, there's something wrong with you ;3

I agree
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post

Holy shit that black haired girl looks like Sayaka Nakasugi from Birdy the Mighty
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
Rewatched K-ON for the 63rd time.

I did the same, only with Lucky Star.

Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
Overrated moeshit. I bet you guys would enjoy Nichijou.

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
Holy shit that black haired girl looks like Sayaka Nakasugi from Birdy the Mighty

Other than the chin being a bit too sharp and the hair not quite right, yeah. It does look sorta like Nakasugi.


Dat Ano Hana ending.

Last edited by up2u; Jun 27, 2011 at 08:00 PM.