yeah guys lets spam the forums and we will make it easily Lol kidding but
It's a good idea though.
Speak the truth......But leave immediately after
give it time guys you cant instantly apply for official the clan still needs to be adjusted such as the members and the posts that appear.
Wombo Combooooooo
Wait, did kimokono seriously just suggest spamming the forums to get to officialism?

And Biggems who was it meant for?
kimo said he was joking it was said at the end of his sentence so no i dont think its suggested besides i wouldnt allow it.
Wombo Combooooooo
Forever, edit your post so it's not just Sheesh please..

Also, We should focus on becoming official once we reach 100 pages of post.. Or more.. I'm sure we will reach it without spamming.
hey i have a question for all of you, what is your favorite music genre and why? I figure this will start a fun conversation
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
@Emo- wasnt ment for anybody accept the people who want to let it be them.

@swift- yea it isnt as easy as most people think we still got a good ways before we apply for officialness

@dizzybomb- hmm i like all music mostly i listen to- rap,rock,dubstep,jazz and you know others soo i dont know. LOL
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.