Originally Posted by TRN5 View Post
your making it sound so easy

but it not that easy to achieve, and its also is the very first item of the plan
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
so, its almost twoo weeks passed since i got back,
and i think real changes could come quite soon,
and basically we could start from "cleaning" our
inactive members, legacy is legacy, but absent users
w/o important reasons shouldn't just keep their places,
but thats only start, for those who r still with us and will be
our new memebers we have a few quite nice things to present,
welp it will take some time to properly do that things but u will see it,
and i hope u gonna like it
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
Originally Posted by Fluxorious View Post
I'd be glad if at least one person would care and take actions...

You should get the needed permissions to take actions too

the one permission i really need
is to get my "quit" button back
(damn swepples)
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
Umm...well...Dart said its compulsory to post here at least once a week and since i didn't know what to write about so he just said to write something about my life , which doesn't help since am inactive most of my life but i guess I'll think of something.Since i forgot to post last week i gonna make this post an extra long essay so if you're reading this ... you have to much spare time, if you do have spare time ... why are you reading this in your spare time , just go play toribash .So last week i went to Cyprus , umm ... it was a nice trip ... ummmmm didn't get ruin when i accidentally swap bag with someone else in the airport. I got to my hotel, i opened my bag and realised that i took a widows bag , the reason i think it was a widows bag is because there was a black hat,black dress, black shoes and black slippers.Since am not an Emo nor gay i realised it wasn't mine , which meant i was screwed because i had no pot noodles/food,no money, no clothes ,shampoo, conditioner, soap ,toothbrush, toothpaste.So i went to sleep hungry and with my clothes on AND the only thing to mask my breath was a packet of M&Ms that i bought in England before my flight ... which didn't help at all AND tried to wash myself with only water.I got my bag back luckily but by then i looked as if i lived on the streets e.g(Tramp).It also didn't get ruined when i saw a mouse ,it was attracting to many types of flies.There was houseflies,Blow flies , drain fly, diabetic flies and mosquitos.i saw this massive fly that spooked me out, it had the width of my thumb...because i obviously measured it with my thumb(No i didn't).There are so many cats in Cyprus which is probably what finished off the mouse.I didn't see a single dog there , which is good since am scared off dogs.There were so many types of cats, there was :black cats ,white cat ,brown cats ,black and white cat , Garfield ,scruffy cats ,wet cats and manky cats.At first i was afraid to stroke them but then i saw when that looked like Garfield so i decided to stroke it , it was so fluffy and cuddly that wanted to keep it(which i did),it was so nice and good and the fur made it so nice to stroke.After i saw a skinny and more scruffy version of the cat i saw before, i decided to stroke it ... and in lashed out at me , it scratched my arm and my face.So i did what any civilised human being would do ... i kicked it in the fa-. Ummm ... thats about it really. Thats all that really happened last week .Now am supposed to write about this week i guess(If your have read this from the beginning, thank you so very much ).This week i ...ummmmm...ummmmmmmmmmmm...ummmmmmmmmmmmmm... not sure what to write. Oh yeah! This week i was trying to complete my java project game thing .A java project game thing is when you use java to make a game.We are in a group , am the animator since i am not as bad as the other two,The other two are just the coders. Well i was supposed to animate an intro for the game, the project is due in two week and when i was told to do an intro , i got cocky and thought "two weeks to do an intro , i've got plenty of time". I was so wrong. I've spent four day, day'n'night trying to this animation and i've had coffee breath just to spend stay awake to complete it and how far have i gotten?I've only made 2 seconds worth of animation so far and the worst part is that am animating... stickmen .How does animating stickmen take 4 days just to do two second? Anyway so now am going to have to drink a lot more coffee and sleep even later. That's about it really.If you have read the whole thing from beginning to end then that means ... you need to get a life.

If you haven't noticed this isn't a serious post so if your in anyway offended in anyway , please don't be but all these thing really did happened ... i kicked the crap out of that ca-

Thank you if you have read the post from beginning to end. I really appreciate it and thank you again for taking your time to read this.If you haven't well at least i tried to post something.I didn't have much time to make this since am still making the animation so if there are any grammar errors here , Sorry XD.

Also thanks to dart who is trying to bring this clan and brings hope by trying to bring it back and sorry in my behalf for being useless
Last edited by TRN5; Feb 25, 2018 at 07:02 PM. Reason: i don't really know
nice post(a bit edit would be nice), for me
as for a person who never was abroad(even didnt
fly on plane) its is always interesting to listen about
trips of other people
Last edited by Dart; Feb 25, 2018 at 06:55 PM.
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©