Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Ah, deece man.
What're you doing for your clan?

my idea pretty stuck
for now is making an event for all toribash player

then,im pretty got nothing.Can Count/rap help me.You are the experienced leader here
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Well, I could give you some advice with some things.
I'm not active enough to help you out or anything on a more involved level, but I could give you some advice.

What do you need help with?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
like how to attract some members
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Depends what sort of clan you want to build.
If you want to focus on in-game, then get an active group of in-game people.
If you want to focus on forums, then get an active group of forum people.

Make sure your members are friendly, respected, and mature.
The types of people you allow into your clan in the first place are the types of people you'll attract.

Take time to talk to your members and befriend them. Clans (unless they're really large) are usually best when they're tightly-knit, in the sense that they last longer. The more you connect with your members, the more loyalty you'll have. Be sure to provide a good social environment for your members.

As for recruiting, your best bet is by inviting friends to the clan, whether it be the friends of your members or your own friends. If you have none available to be in a clan or none that want to, make some.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
That's great advice. Trice has heaps of friends, just they are all in a clan.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Hey guys!

I'm gonna get my new pc on the friday, I used all the money that I could (845 dollars), so I can't change nothing.

Do you think, that it would work for actual games? As GTA V, Battlefield 3, Assasins Creed Revelations, NFS World/Run/Most Wanted Remake, and such games like those?

Here are the specifics:

My Pc

Sorry for posting the name of the pieces on spanish, also, it is understandable, and the most of the data is in english xD
Last edited by LatinBlade; Sep 18, 2012 at 03:12 AM.
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Depends what sort of clan you want to build.
If you want to focus on in-game, then get an active group of in-game people.
If you want to focus on forums, then get an active group of forum people.

Make sure your members are friendly, respected, and mature.
The types of people you allow into your clan in the first place are the types of people you'll attract.

Take time to talk to your members and befriend them. Clans (unless they're really large) are usually best when they're tightly-knit, in the sense that they last longer. The more you connect with your members, the more loyalty you'll have. Be sure to provide a good social environment for your members.

As for recruiting, your best bet is by inviting friends to the clan, whether it be the friends of your members or your own friends. If you have none available to be in a clan or none that want to, make some.

hmmm...the last part little bit hard,although i got one/two perhaps 3
thanks for the advice
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by LatinBlade View Post
Hey guys!

I'm gonna get my new pc on the friday, I used all the money that I could (845 dollars), so I can't change nothing.

Do you think, that it would work for actual games? As GTA V, Battlefield 3, Assasins Creed Revelations, NFS World/Run/Most Wanted Remake, and such games like those?

Here are the specifics:

My Pc

Sorry for posting the name of the pieces on spanish, also, it is understandable, and the most of the data is in english xD

Yes, but telling me the RAM would help me further more. It is alright.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
@trice: I would if Rapp would'nt have said it all ;) That's basically the most important thing to do. Another small thing you could pay attention on is getting your name spread in the forums (event/marketing etc) in order to get attention ingame. And vice versa.

@Latin: well, it's not a beast but it'll be enough to play the latest game for at least 2 years (my guess) on a very high graphical level. The RAM and processor, which are the most important parts, are good and deliever a steady performance. Dunno about GTA V since I didnt saw any requirements yet, but it's surely enough for all other games.

@cozza: he delivered it within the pic: 4x 2GB DDR3 Kingston RAM (remember: multiple RAM parts who are the same deliever more output power then e.g. 4 RAM parts from different kinds).
Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post
hmmm...the last part little bit hard,although i got one/two perhaps 3
thanks for the advice

Yes, it is difficult, but the effort is well worth it. Two or three is a good starting point. You don't need that many, maybe five or six at most. Make strong connections with them and then slowly bring more in later. Chances are, the friends you bring in may also know one or two other people, and it'll build like that. Don't try and get a huge member-base too quickly. It's something that'll build over time. Focus on making strong connections early on and keeping everyone involved.

Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
@trice: I would if Rapp would'nt have said it all ;) That's basically the most important thing to do. Another small thing you could pay attention on is getting your name spread in the forums (event/marketing etc) in order to get attention ingame. And vice versa.

Heh, didn't mean to steal the show D:
Also, Count makes another good point here Trice. Once you get a solid group of members together, you could start branching out and making a name for yourself. You can focus on doing in through individuals (such as having members as artists, replay makers, mods, etc.) and getting reputation for your clan through that, or by doing a group-based method and earning reputation through the likes of hosting events, competing in clan wars, competing in events, donating to events, or participating frequently with other clans. This will also in time attract more members to your clan. Depending on your reputation, you'll likely attract a handful of members that really only applied to you because they think you're popular. Keep your standards and make sure that every member you recruit is one that would contribute to the overall social environment you're trying to build with your clan.

Before you branch off and begin to build a reputation like that though, get a solid member-base. When you begin to build your reputation, what you're really doing is reflecting what your clan is all about. Get a solid clan before you show it off. ^^
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]