Name: UberJi
Best Mod(s): Big Dojo Aikido, Taekkyon
Belt: Brown (few games til black)
Reason for the want of joining: Want to be in clan to be with members and train with more advanced players because everyone my belt is too easy
Invited/Requested: Madric
we realy aren't a good clan for learning
noone who are good enough have time to teach
i suggest you give bleu a shot
that's where i learned to play
Free Pv2Caribou
She will completely turns abrupt and stops being all pretty please. And more or so "Do it now or were done."

bitch just want yo money

The signs I am see are more or so "If you do this, you get this."

classic trade, not good for relationships BUT do oral get oral works well

from the way you discribe her you clearly should dump her
sounds like a man eating bitch
but if you want her for a fuck budy she sounds like a decent one
Last edited by Orion; Jun 11, 2011 at 06:12 AM.
Free Pv2Caribou
Lol. Orion I indeed teach new players all the time. But if this a application to this clan. So please Fill out the entire thing. So to that I say no. But for the request of teaching. PM me when you have the time. And I will show you the ropes.
Ikr.... Yeah e-e this is gonna be a short trip down this cavern. Also love how its only Orion who is responding to this. I love you guys to. e-e