Торт, очень круто. А я тут лач гейнер учу внешний и внутрений с посонами на турнике. 2 года назад, когда сальто пытался учить, спиной плашмя с двух метров так ёбнулся, что до сих пор кривая. Сальто так и не умею, лач гейнер получается со страховкой.
I dont need weed to get you high.
Application Thread.
I was thinking a lot and decided to join clan Silver.I really like this clan and how it look with my name,I like people that are on this clan,i like russian clans because they can understand me better i like the style of fighting of Silver's clan on Aikido,I Love The banners and loggo and how they write in threads i am a nice duelist i really like this clan move and i can make 3/4 of them. My previous accaunt was banned but i think i play not like a noob.
1. Name:Lyz.
2. GMT:+2(Russia)
3. Belt:Yellow Belt but new accaunt i will make black belt in one week.
4. Previous clans:[-iCe] is my previous and it's my clan but on another accaunt.
5. Skype :Clicker001
6. Do you like aikido?:Yes i like aikido and aikidobigdojo the most realistic mods.
I really trust to become a member of Silver Company Clan.
Thanks a lot for paying attention.
Last edited by Lyz; Feb 15, 2012 at 02:36 PM.