i have Shaun White
but it wasn't really my thing
the sound track was FAN FUCKIN TASTIC
and it was a cool game
but i never got into it
Free Pv2Caribou
loool code:
[13:07] <@Orion|work> the cow genome is stupidly long
[13:07] <@Fear091> lmao
[13:07] == mjgamer [] has joined #tll
[13:07] <@Orion|work> and so when i pulled out there was blood
[13:07] <@Orion|work> everywhere!
[13:07] <mjgamer> o.o
[13:07] <@Orion|work> oh hai mj
[13:07] <@Fear091> omg rly?4
[13:08] <@Fear091> oh hey mj
[13:08] <mjgamer> o/
[13:08] <@Fear091> \o
[13:08] <@Orion|work> oh shit
[13:08] <@Orion|work> thats a person waving
[13:08] <@Orion|work> O.o
[13:09] <mjgamer> brb
[13:09] <@Orion|work> ...
[13:09] <@Fear091> it's something I did once
[13:09] <@Fear091> on here
[13:09] <@Fear091> and now everyone does it all the time
[13:09] <@Orion|work> \o/
[13:09] <@Orion|work> |
[13:09] <@Fear091> :D
[13:09] <@Orion|work> damnit
[13:09] <@Orion|work> my body missed
[13:09] <@Fear091> lmao
[13:09] <@Fear091> LOL
[13:10] <@Orion|work> o/
[13:10] <@Orion|work> ,?|
[13:10] <@Orion|work> fuck
[13:10] <@Fear091> \o/
[13:10] <@Fear091> |
[13:10] <@Orion|work> c-c-c-combo breaker
[13:10] <@Orion|work> ;)
[13:10] <@Fear091> oh fuck you orion
[13:10] <@Fear091> D:
[13:10] <@Fear091> .\o/
[13:11] <@Fear091> .|
[13:11] <@Fear091> ./\
[13:11] <@Orion|work> c-c-c-combo breaker
[13:11] <@Fear091> fuck!
[13:11] <@Orion|work> missed
[13:11] <@Fear091> my head is like
[13:11] <@Fear091> hunchbacked
[13:11] <@Orion|work> decapitated
[13:11] <@Fear091> .\o/
[13:11] <@Fear091> . |
[13:11] <@Orion|work> c-c-c-combo breaker
[13:11] <@Orion|work> gg
this thread is MADE of win
Last edited by Orion; Jun 10, 2011 at 07:13 PM.
Free Pv2Caribou
here's what it boils down to
if you want her to understand you better your going to have to tell her the things she needs to know and let her figure the rest out on her own
BUT it's not very fair of you to do that AND not pick up on her own hints
if you get a signal she is sending don't not do what she wants out of spite
its a terrible way to run a relationship, if you want to dump her do it
furthermore send one text, wait for response
if none comes she doesn't want to/can't
sending lots of texts makes you look clingy
Free Pv2Caribou
I guess that just sucks for him right?
yes it does, not much we can do there I'm afraid
arrest police officer etc.

anyway if your gonna make the the argument about fat cops being more likely to shoot people thus keep them off the force also make the argument that black people are more likely to be criminals so keep them off too, irish people are more likely to be alcoholic keep them off, people with small penis's should be kept off, you can find a million reasons why someone would be more likely to shoot another person very few are good reasons to ban people like them from the police.

furthermore the way your talking makes you seem retarded
Because being so large makes them feel unsuperior and whats one way of fixing that. Shooting a mofo.

please tell me your kidding right.
if a cop is following the law
then everything is good
if not arrest him
profiling of any type fails because it is just that, profiling
Free Pv2Caribou
You've all wondered and waited what i looked like IRL .... well the wait is over. yes i posting it BUT its nawt the best picture evar, its the only one i could find without a dick in the picture, and not the dick your thinking of i mean a person. and if you did picture apenis go to www. lol im just kidding but anyways with the pic.
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I'll miss you
holy shit
mj is a real girl
and not a bad looking one at that
also no tinyeye results probably real
Last edited by Orion; Jun 10, 2011 at 08:31 PM.
Free Pv2Caribou