yeah onso it's pretty weird that we're using an obsolete, inactive system of grouping which is currently more active than the thread.

Dogzy we haven't applied to the be official yet.
yeah we havent, basically cause if we did we would get rejected right now; Also seba might be a bit inactive since his internet is not working alright, and bog has decided to leave the clan

Also I started a warframe clan with my cousin, tho its just a 2 persons clan and we are only in-game active xD you guys should check that game, its quite good, has both co-op and pvp tho its heavily focused in co-op, also its free, quite good indeed.
matrx is the one who started this, he is always messing with me in the forums and in the chat (he annoys me by saying 'lol' all the time)

Also, wow this is Sh.t, I almost completed another self-spar but then my toribash crashed for no reason after i pressed space ;-; #10/10TB

I cannot believe this

Also, why did we got rejected? what is their reason? i asked this question to matrx some few days ago, but instead he insulted me. But anyway why did we got rejected?

Btw, i do not hate matrx/oxide. I'm just getting annoyed because of him.

Happy 600th Posts to me (thats why I used the font size 6).
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Jan 30, 2016 at 05:23 AM.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Congrats on the 600th post /o/

Just ignore him and he will get bored,

Originally Posted by Gynx
Clan rejected for the following reasons:

- Slightly inexperience lead to worries about lifespan.
- Forum inactivity was lack-luster.
- Poor post quality.

Other than that, it was a very promising effort. Focus on improving and feel free to apply again.

'Lack-luster' Ok lust you handle that jk
'inexperience' umm, idk about this
'Poor post quality' Oxide's post quality is good, also Alonso's. But idk to the others (including me).

Also, is that you onsola? are you using the bank?
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Destruction inbound.

Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
matrx is the one who started this, he is always messing with me in the forums and in the chat (he annoys me by saying 'lol' all the time)
i asked this question to matrx some few days ago, but instead he insulted me.
Btw, i do not hate matrx/oxide. I'm just getting annoyed because of him.

Funny you should say that. You're ignorant and not willing to change your opinion. You simply cannot change your view, even when you are very much proven 100% wrong, you only retaliate with

yeah, that. All you can reply with to my arguments which have effort put into them (surprise, I have to think a lot before I type anything.) You ignore that and go to your common resort to my arguments, you cover yourself with the cloth of ignorance. you have a huge, and i mean huge ego.
but let me give you a break. it's one of the hardest human traits to change.
i changed it easily though, once you can actually accept that you're wrong.
haha, you can't even change your opinion if i show you stuff from wikipedia.
fucking wikipedia! it's not opinion anymore, it's ignorance now.
stop wearing your tinfoil hat and come out of your rock and be westernized for god's(even though he doesn't exist) sake. your stupid shit makes me wonder about the heights of human stupidity day by day. i bet all you'll say is..
stop this bashing shit, your criticism is unneeded

hah, this stuff is in the public eye, you know that? i am free to express my opinion and you can't do anything about it, except put on your cloth of ignorance on again and live safely your whole life knowing nothing.
please fucking stop

why should i? just accept that you are wrong and i'll stop. which brings us to..
im not accepting defeat

amazing display of ego, haha. actually i came up with this insult which requires atleast a normal person's IQ (sorry, mate) to understand.
If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb to your ego and jump to your IQ.
Originally Posted by MAUbank View Post
Just ignore him and he will get bored,

funny considering that it's coming from a leader.
look at the first page again lol,
"At mau we know that one who is not willing to listencannot teach"
looks like you contradicted yourself onsola. just like science did in destiny.
actually, science did it wayy worse in destiny. big hypocrite.

Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
Also, is that you onsola? are you using the bank?

who else do you think it could be?
IDK why are you still continuing this
I already said sorry to you


So basically im out of this sh.t and its your problem now.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
eyy guys sorry to just post right now,i made pixel GIFs

check dis out

yeah i know they kinda suck

it's my first time doe

edit:yep click the link
Last edited by boogie22; Jan 30, 2016 at 10:27 AM.
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
Ok boogie22 you inspired me for making a gif

Thats why i made this like 1 hr after you posted that:

Ok guys visit my MAUket

Also, if we have allies, lets have eneMAUs

Last edited by Sc1ence01; Jan 30, 2016 at 01:33 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex