Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
Yeah, well I got caught cheating in an exam for the first time today.

Lmao get rekd. How did you do it?
I turned off the light at the end of the tunnel.
Originally Posted by illv View Post
Lmao get rekd. How did you do it?

It was an exam for religion class. I didn't study shit, so I took out my Bible for answers. I was at the back of the class. Ever since the semester started, the teacher was always one of those relaxed types who would do other things at the desk while the class answered seat works. Since I barely study the subject, most of my scores came from easy cheating with my friends. Like whenever the class exchanged papers to correct, my friends and I would just exchange among ourselves and change wrong answers. Teacher didn't see a thing. But this time, he caught me. For the first time in my life, I was caught cheating. I don't really care, though. Religion isn't that heavy a subject. Not even part of the GPA.
a spoon.
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Wait... religion class?

That sounds horrific.

♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Indeed it does!
Zorrow, more words please ;)

That was all I had to say, but I will try to tl;dr just for you ;)
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
Yup. ReEd or Religious Education. It's not really horrific as much as it is extremely boring. The teacher doesn't have that charisma to get people to pay attention to him, plus I have no interest in the subject whatsoever.
a spoon.
Zorow people are probably going to crucify you for that sig.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.