uhg what a damn day.
2 guys that study in my class tried to bully on me and i had to fight them.
well when the fighting time came i punched the main guy who was really anoying me then our class m8s came and got me away of him.
i was trying to get him till the other one came from my back and tried to make me fall on the ground.i felt like i was fighting a girl acually xD so we got out of school and my street friends were are they're friends.
i wanted to fight the first asshole but they didn't let me .-.
and now i have to wait till tomorrow to make them feel like a peace of shit.
just a bit scary coz they might get knifes.they always do :l
any advices of fighting someone who got a knife pl0x?
edit: the wierd thing is finding the thread that is talking about bullying once i got my pc
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
make a gun

stab them with your pencil

fuck their mothers

For fighting against a knife
This is what I would do, I'm not a pro or anything okay
I wouldn't stand in front of them but at an angle to the side,( if they are holding the knife in their right hand I would position my self to their left hand and to the side a bit)
If they try to thrust at you( lean to the left and jump to the right while trying to grab their wrist, then proceed to beat the shit out of them)
Last edited by Kirito; Feb 14, 2016 at 06:13 PM.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Um if fighting a guy with a knife don't get cut and be very vigilant and get plenty of sleep and two why fight like it will never end well with violence and if you get hurt how are you going to explain that to your parents as well as we just lost one member if that goes south I would hate to lose you too
i could explain to my partents lmao.
anyway i will have to fight them like 2 times a week coz i walk throug where they live alot .
well with my friends they will be like pussy cats.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
lawl get a karambit!!
its the best knife to fight...
also hope u dont get cutted to much :^)
the last time i fighed in the school i finished with my fists with blood for some reason...
that blood was mine :u
idk what happened after because it was long ago :o!
gl with the fight m9
No offence but America Sucks with all dat bullying last time I was harassed I was 4 and I just started school and also since then nobody has even tried to touch me but one time my 6 ft friend kind of speared me from the bushes ...... so Ireland is a nice place but if you hate potatoes your fucked
Yeayyyyy it's my birthday today it's the 15th of February here in Ireland and it's my mid term break so I got the week off school
Also i made an alt Called Xavrez
Last edited by Apollo; Feb 15, 2016 at 09:28 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Yeys i still alive and well.
Thé faggots came with they're friends and so i did.
They got scarried and everyone are fine
Well i still want to fight them but they didnt let me .-.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .