I started playing dota around 3 months ago and i think its pretty awesome especially because its my first time playing a game of this genre.

I have around 120 games played atm and I know how to use about 15 heroes or so.

Puck, TA, weaver, pudge, drow ranger, invoker, QoP are my favorites so far.

unfortunately my win ratio is low because i had really bad internet last month so I kept disconnecting from games and abandoning them. (i have about 15% abandon rate lolololo) : D
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
Lifestealer + storm spirit combo is just deadly. You can't escape. You just can't.

Also, razor is a pretty fun hero. Not difficult to play.
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Lifestealer is kind of crazy; lifesteal, slow, free bkb, initiation/escape. He doesn't have any real weaknesses right off the bat. You can easily farm ancients by level 4, and he doesn't need any special items. Pretty good hero. We like to run him with someone who can initiate so he can ride, like natures prophet, queen of pain, bounty hunter, riki, spiritbreaker, etc.

You can't really rate your games by your KDA though, if it's a low kill or short game you might have less, and if you play an initiator you will have more deaths. If you are a disabler you might not even get assists. For some roles its bad to get kills, like Elder Titan, I don't think you were the carry or a ganker, so try not to last hit the enemy heroes :P

I'm still trying to figure out the roles and what a team composition should look like.

I've been playing champions which look interesting to me so far only.

I'm a fairly experienced moba player, and I have had no trouble mechanically at all. I consistently have the most farm in games by a long shot, although i'm still trying to get the hang of denying.

Dota seems to be a bit more forgiving early on than League, although that may be down to me playing a lot more cautiously than I would in league.

I haven't gotten the hang of harassing/trading yet(or if it's even a thing), my lane opponents don't really attack me for some reason.
Uhm, who here plays in SEA servers? I've got a really low MMR (though I know a lot about the game mechanics, I'm just horrible at pressing keys, I believe), and I'd love to party-up with someone who can help me improve. I can play on USW with ~250 (tolerable) and SEA.

also, Empire for TI4
yeah ok
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I'm still trying to figure out the roles and what a team composition should look like.

I've been playing champions which look interesting to me so far only.

I'm a fairly experienced moba player, and I have had no trouble mechanically at all. I consistently have the most farm in games by a long shot, although i'm still trying to get the hang of denying.

Dota seems to be a bit more forgiving early on than League, although that may be down to me playing a lot more cautiously than I would in league.

I haven't gotten the hang of harassing/trading yet(or if it's even a thing), my lane opponents don't really attack me for some reason.

I'm glad you're taking the plunge in playing Doto. Stuff that I recommend you learn really easily:

- How runes work, when they spawn, what they do
- Protip: Bottle is a good item for mid laners, it's basically a health & mana pot with 3 charges. It recharges automatically when you enter the fountain, or if you pick up a rune! When you pick up a rune if you have a bottle, the rune is stored in the bottle. Next time you use the bottle, you use the rune (no bottle charge is used).
- Learn how to use the courier. Really. You can switch to courier with the F2 button. F1 changes back to your character, double F1 centers cam on your hero. The courier has abilities, e.g. going to the secret shop, or back to the fountain. You can also give your empty bottle to the courier, have it go back to the fountain, and then bring the recharged bottle back.
- Learn the day and night cycle. Be more careful when in night cycle, because vision range is abysmal
- Learn how to ping on the map, and how to do automated voice scripts. I think the normal key is the Y key. Keep y pressed, then move your mouse in the direction of the message you want. If you pick 'missing', it automatically adapts the message to which lane you are in!
- Alt+clicking enemy heroes on the top of your screen will ping them as missing
- Alt clicking items in shop you don't have, will give a message along the lines of 'I'm going to buy item X'
- All heroes have a color code that is sadly different every game. You can see which hero has which color on the top of the screen, at the hero portraits
- Learn how to deny! I edited a notepad file somewhere a while ago which enables me to deny my own creeps by just right clicking them. Your enemy doesn't get gold, he does get exp
- You can deny your own buildings.
- You can deny yourself. Suicide!
try to convince some of your lol friends to try it too

also, i think doto is actually less forgiving and much more difficult than lol.
Lol is basically spellspam madness, spamming spells on minions to farm, everyone constantly dashing through walls etc etc. In doto, mana is much more important. also, farming more difficult because you can't use spells (unless you want to waste mana and get killed) + you do a tiny fraction of the creep health
p.s. i am ready to play now
Last edited by Arglax; Apr 13, 2014 at 09:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I'm still trying to figure out the roles and what a team composition should look like.

I've been playing champions which look interesting to me so far only.

I'm a fairly experienced moba player, and I have had no trouble mechanically at all. I consistently have the most farm in games by a long shot, although i'm still trying to get the hang of denying.

Dota seems to be a bit more forgiving early on than League, although that may be down to me playing a lot more cautiously than I would in league.

I haven't gotten the hang of harassing/trading yet(or if it's even a thing), my lane opponents don't really attack me for some reason.

Team composition is (very generally) 1 ganker/semicarry playing mid, 1 initiator and 1 team fight hero in offlane, 1 support and 1 carry in safe lane. You should always make sure to cover ganker/initiator/teamfight/support and carry in every game - though most of the time all your heroes will be multirole - like having an initiator who is also a teamfight hero (very common with sand king, magnus, etc), or a support initiator (tidehunter), or iniatiator semicarry (centaur, nyx?). And often you have a roaming support, leaving your offlane as a solo, or you have a jungler or (in pubs only) a jungler and a roamer or 2 junglers (1 in ancients perhaps). Team composition is really flexible, and it's really hard when you play with randoms because you really need to think about;
1. how will we lane?
2. how will we win?
3. what do we need to do to win?
Some heroes don't fit in to the normal flow of the game (like nature's prophet or tinker who just rat), and almost everyone needs a special team to synergise with. There's no point taking all carries if you are going to get smashed in lane. There's many ways to win - ganking and stopping the enemy leveling, outleveling them, outfarming them, taking their towers, forcing them to hobble (spider is good at this, just run around farming their jungle and when they try hunt you 5man just juke for a good 10 minutes while your team does whatever they want), just push and take their towers, etc.

But in general just make sure you have ganking power, an initiator, some good teamfight skills, a support to buy wards/dust/smoke/courier/regen/tps/etc, and a carry for your mid-late game.

Farm is pretty easy, it seems like right now you are playing against people who don't play very good, so just try get your 80lh at 10 minutes and you are good. If you feel like farming is one of your biggest strengths, take someone like luna or medusa or naga or alchemist who can really benefit from good farm.

Harassing and trading is well, mainly just attacking or using your spammable nukes to scare them away. Getting kills in lane does happen, but generally you are aware of how strong your opponents are. If you have a support (eg lion) then have him get in an ominous position, or attack them from the side. Usually if you are playing a babysitter support you get a lot of regen, and if you have to you just stand there attacking them trading hits - most heroes that want to cs won't have bought as much regen as you, so you can just trade till they are forced to pull back, then keep attacking them from behind to force them out of lane completely. For heroes with spamable nukes an early bassilius and mana boots help you dominate lanes like crazy. And then there's the complete asshole lane; phantom lancer + keeper of the light, which is basically a gauranteed win in pubs so long as kotl actually gives pl mana...

Originally Posted by Luminusian View Post
Uhm, who here plays in SEA servers? I've got a really low MMR (though I know a lot about the game mechanics, I'm just horrible at pressing keys, I believe), and I'd love to party-up with someone who can help me improve. I can play on USW with ~250 (tolerable) and SEA.

also, Empire for TI4

We have a few SEA and Aus players around, I'm 'gorman' on steam, add me to friends and I'll send invite to the toribash clan.

^ this also applies to anyone else who isn't in the clan. You can join multiple clans by the way, it just makes it easier to find people.

EDIT: Oh yeah, since arglax mentioned bindings, here's my autoexec.cfg
cfg code:
dota_force_right_click_attack "1" // For rightclick deny
dota_disable_range_finder "0" // Turn on rangefinder, though I use quickcast for all items and abilities anyway...
con_enable "1"

dota_hud_healthbars "3"
dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250"

dota_camera_accelerate 49

fps_max 60

dota_hud_healthbar_number_danger 50
dota_hud_healthbar_number_critical 25

net_graphinsetbottom "-28" // 100 to place below scoreboard
net_graphinsetright "-180" // 600 to place below scoreboard
net_graphproportionalfont "0" // Resize font
net_graph "1"
alias "showgraph" "showgraph_off"
alias "showgraph_on" "net_graph 1; alias showgraph showgraph_off"
alias "showgraph_off" "net_graph 0; alias showgraph showgraph_on"
bind "F10" "showgraph"

alias "+attack_a" "mc_attack"
alias "-attack_a" "+sixense_Left_click; -sixense_Left_click"
bind "a" "+attack_a" // Smartcast for attackmove

alias "hero_toggle" "hero_toggle_off"
alias "hero_toggle_on" "+dota_camera_follow; alias hero_toggle hero_toggle_off"
alias "hero_toggle_off" "dota_select_courier; alias hero_toggle hero_toggle_on"
bind "z" "hero_toggle" // Press Z to toggle between courier and hero

bind "s" "chatwheel_say 8" // "<top/mid/bottom> is missing!"
bind "d" "chatwheel_say 29" // "enemy returned!"
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Apr 13, 2014 at 10:58 PM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I really like Terrorblade and Lifestealer so far. Terrorblade a bit more because of his E and ult.
Terrorblade with E + any character with stun = firstblood

So much damage.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Terrorblade with E + any character with stun = firstblood

So much damage.

Got a triple kill in lane at level 2. Their pudge ganked us while they were low, and he botched it horribly. I killed both of them before he touched me and then killed him too.
TB is fun, but crazy op. Playing against him in pubs is unbearable... It sucks, because i find him really enjoyable to play.