Originally Posted by vschoola View Post
But well, my hair is not pink and girly long

I lost my boner for you.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
I lost my boner for you.

Do not.
I can still let it grow up and dye it as pink as the human eye can see.
It'd be a little gay, but I don't care if it means having your happiness.

Anyway, I'll get into a car and wait 8 hours to move 200 km. Wish me luck guys.
I'll get back monday (I guess)
Foxy*~ 'Cause flying is too mainstream!
I'm here to say good morning.
And good night. Fuck, it's 4 AM here, what am I doing?

This corn eating personality thingy does not work out for me. I pick one at a time, preferably with a fork.
Seriously, you should try it, take a perfect corn cob and just... Take that one, chosen corn. *Q*

I tried playing Eternal Legacy, some recension said it was the new final fantasy for Mac. The voice acting was so horrible that I feel like suing those bastards.
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.