Maybe the curly haired one is just bored with his/her life and is like 'what am I doing here'
I'm currently cuddling with CJ, my blue kitten thing that's like 3 months old.
The parents are totally ignoring them. The little guys are hiding under a shirt and the parents are out partying with the grandparents.
I... I think they wouldn't appreciate being shaved. But the curlyhaired one looks bald? You can't tell it has hair from far away. I'll name it lars.
Okay, so, I think I've told you guys how much I despise this school that I'm in?
I dunno.
Anyways, the kids can't speak english or flippin' read. I LOVE BOOKS, THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT BOOKS ARE. I saw this kid who was like, to a substitute (since this school can't have one teacher for a span of a week then they quit) showed her a plastic bag of pills and said 'Oh I have these for headaches, you want?' I was like. -Pokerface- WHAT THE FUCKING HELL. THESE KIDS BRING PRESCRIPTION DRUGS TO SCHOOL AND THE TEACHERS DON'T GIVE A FUCK. WE HAVE ALL ONLINE CLASSES, PEOPLE SCREW IT AND GO ON FACEBOOK OR GAMES.
I'M GOING TO EXPLODE. I CAN'T TAKE THIS BULLSHIT SCHOOL. IT'S FOR CRAPPY PEOPLE. I am not crappy, I, for one, have potential in life, unlike these dumbass kids who don't find school important but find weed much more so. Like seriously..
I miss my old school and the people there miss me.
They had sense.
The kids here at my current school are just worthless, rotting, pieces of flesh that have no use in life.
None at all. Shit has more use than they do. It probably also has more purpose in life.
Last edited by fluffykat; Nov 4, 2011 at 02:47 AM.
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Okay, so, I think I've told you guys how much I despise this school that I'm in?
I dunno.
Anyways, the kids can't speak english or flippin' read. I LOVE BOOKS, THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT BOOKS ARE. I saw this kid who was like, to a substitute (since this school can't have one teacher for a span of a week then they quit) showed her a plastic bag of pills and said 'Oh I have these for headaches, you want?' I was like. -Pokerface- WHAT THE FUCKING HELL. THESE KIDS BRING PRESCRIPTION DRUGS TO SCHOOL AND THE TEACHERS DON'T GIVE A FUCK. WE HAVE ALL ONLINE CLASSES, PEOPLE SCREW IT AND GO ON FACEBOOK OR GAMES.
I'M GOING TO EXPLODE. I CAN'T TAKE THIS BULLSHIT SCHOOL. IT'S FOR CRAPPY PEOPLE. I am not crappy, I, for one, have potential in life, unlike these dumbass kids who don't find school important but find weed much more so. Like seriously..
I miss my old school and the people there miss me.
They had sense.
The kids here at my current school are just worthless, rotting, pieces of flesh that have no use in life.
None at all. Shit has more use than they do. It probably also has more purpose in life.

I have the exact same situation.

Well, had, I just finished. I'm not proud of it, but I gave up.

A lot of the way through the year, I just thought to myself "Fuck it", and stopped trying. My school is fully retarded with teachers that don't know what they're doing. They aren't inspiring and they don't care.

Now my school ended last friday and I didn't pass year 12. I've gotten over it already. I couldn't possibly have pushed myself to do such tedious and useless tasks any more than I had.

That and depression.
Holy shit, dudes! I'm drawing!
Will upload whenever I get internets.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
What are you going to do now, Puff?

That's not, like rhetorical, or sarcastic, but like, uh, literally, uh, um.

I had aikido today.
Last edited by Acavado; Nov 5, 2011 at 03:22 AM.
My ex who is currently my friend, told me she was a furry yesterday.
I got a female boner and I want to have sex with her right now. IN PUBLIC.
She's gained infinity attractiveness and I want to touch her in ways that are not legal in most states.
Her name's Selena btw, don't think I've ever told you guys -3-