Ok guys, thx for the honesty... to be honest im a little dissapointed and maybe hurt my "feels" a bit. Oh and Exvenator, I dont hate you, Bug said that cause he thought by the way i was typing i was "pissed" at you, I for one was jokin around. He just tried to say that to make his dislikes unnoticable, lol. Hes my blood brother, i know the way he thinks, talks, and acts, lol. but...

I'll be back... Bigger and Stronger too...

P.S. its not meant to be some kind of twisted sick inuendo.. ok, so stop thinkin it...
Last edited by Burned21; Aug 13, 2012 at 02:27 PM.
My job isn't jumping feet first into Hell... It's making sure Hell is full when I get there.
Burned just get that belt up and mature a little bit more and reapply. Also don't share your account with your brother. Bad things can happen from that.
"Whats with the steering wheel in your pants?" "ARGH! It's driving me nuts!" Phantom Co-Leader!
Originally Posted by Burned21 View Post
Ok guys, thx for the honesty... to be honest im a little dissapointed and maybe hurt my "feels" a bit. Oh and Exvenator, I dont hate you, Bug said that cause he thought by the way i was typing i was "pissed" at you, I for one was jokin around. He just tried to say that to make his dislikes unnoticable, lol. Hes my blood brother, i know the way he thinks, talks, and acts, lol. but...

I'll be back... Bigger and Stronger too...

P.S. its not meant to be some kind of twisted sick inuendo.. ok, so stop thinkin it...

I like the way you reply..

do that, and app again here, then I'll vote yes for you..
I'm NOT Noob
Originally Posted by Zivius View Post
Hey, im here for an application to [Phantom]. More specifically the "Trial Members" if you have that option... as burned21 is not a Black belt and I'm currently a Green belt(next paragraph for info on that). I play mostly on burned21 I only use this account for a bit of extra TC and buying and selling items on the market.

Instead of tip-toeing around and giving you my life story (boring), I'll get straight to it. I am applicating for burned21, you may be asking yourself, "but... this is posted by zivius..." and you would be correct. The only problem is, when I made my main account I didn't include the e-mail, which inadvertedly led to this account. I have tried getting my e-mail onto burned21 and it sends me straight to notifications. I check my e-mail, and nothing is sent, and I've been trying for weeks now. Nothing...

Now, onto the juicy bit, I would like to join this clan because I have seen the frienships, the equality of pwnage shared, that I would love to be a part of. Secondly, this is one of THE best clans in my opinion. I personally love the fact that the clan is not overly judgemental, and I'm sure I'll be treated fairly. I can hope, right? XD. Oh, and did I mention I can help spread the pwnage... that too...

I got no plastic in the chest region

"Whats with the steering wheel in your pants?" "ARGH! It's driving me nuts!" Phantom Co-Leader!
Sorry burned, I would have to say no as well. You should belt up first.
"Patience means bearing the unbearable" Tomo VII - The Bushido code
I vote no for burned, because I haven't payed any attention to him to have a conclusion.

For simo, nobody here knows you, except for Yaksha, and maybe Azure, so I say no to you as well.