I am back at this shit and I'm going to rhyme.
I'm a fucking killer with plenty of time.
Everyone always tryin' to be me.
Cuz' I'm a f-f-fucking PhD.
I'm not a sir, I'm not a fag.
But I got one damn killer swag.
My words may not be understood.
Cuz' I'm a poor kid that came from the hood.
I've experienced suffering, hate and wars.
To hear bullshit about life on mars.
Humanity is sick, and there's no cure.
But I always kept my soul and mind clean and pure.

~Notorious HL-Nerd.

Haters gonna hate.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
Hamsters ♥ Eternally proud to be Fyre ♥

Also hlmaster, that was beautiful. ;)

Also, dag, add me on LoL: FlamePo, Phoack or Phoax
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Alright thats it/Im done with these rhymes/each and everyone of you guys/sucking one at a time/god damn helen keller could do better/while taking a dump in her cellar/running around you guys in circles with "pen and teller"/kick you all down 666 stories to hell/dump you all in a bon-fire with no story to tell/
Made ANOTHER 20k today <3 Bought Pharos lax and going for the blood next. Just wanted to let you guys know its going swell!
oh hey fuse, you want my flame? ive been trying to sell it for 50k but i want to get it out. so ill sell it for what i bought it for, 40k. Are jew interested?