Alright guys, instead of a new PC, I've cleared out all my data on my PC. So with this change, I will be positively 100% active. Soooo any unfinished business? :P
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
My internet is pretty gud now so I'll be able to come on for the rest of the summer successfully...hopefully.

If it doesn't turn out well like always, I'll post about it, but for now let's enjoy it for now.

Clan Video
So I don't know when this video is gunna happen, but I'm so ready for it.

I heard that most people haven't put in replays for it, that's why, so lets get to it peoples!

Oh and didney land in a week

Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.

Nice! It'll be good to have you active again. Did you have a lot of stuff on your comp?


Sweet we missed you </3 yeah idk aboot the clan vid I think I've only givin 2/3 replays >.> I'm not too sure but I know I have 3 replays I can use so if I only posted 2 I'll put the last one in
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Yeah I did have a lot of files and stuff that slowed down my computer. So with the idea that Microsoft had an option for resetting your computer, I was amazed by the magic.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Its kinda interesting that your computer run like a new computer, isn't?

I had a same trouble earlier. But happens while i'm browsing. I was looking for 'South Park' videos and i accidently downloaded a cancer ad banner that makes my computer is slower than my turtle, PriceMinus. I can't do anything about it and i was so sad lol. Yeah you feel me when you need 1 minute just to load

After googling for weeks i tried alot of different antivirus and finally i found an op antivirus that removes that cancer Priceminus. After that day i promised myself not to download a movie from an untrusted website. Phew
Originally Posted by Fairfang View Post
Its kinda interesting that your computer run like a new computer, isn't?

I had a same trouble earlier. But happens while i'm browsing. I was looking for 'South Park' videos and i accidently downloaded a cancer ad banner that makes my computer is slower than my turtle, PriceMinus. I can't do anything about it and i was so sad lol. Yeah you feel me when you need 1 minute just to load

After googling for weeks i tried a lot of different antivirus and finally i found an op antivirus that removes that cancer Priceminus. After that day i promised myself not to download a movie from an untrusted website. Phew

I feel you. Even tho it runs like a new computer, I still go through that stuff with my browser too. It takes like 5 seconds for my shit to load. I kind of want to make it 2 tho. I never trust ads because it's just the worst. Especially when it pops up in your email. Over 14,575 of those are virus that don't just make your computer slower, but also makes a big impact on destroying your computer until you can't use it anymore. Millions of people have to get new ones because they want better performance on their PCs, not garbage that keeps it from accessing the internet, etc.

Even websites, they always have some ad of something cool and sometimes people be like "Ooo this looks cool, let's click it". BOOM! YOU HAVE JUST DOWNLOADED A MOTHER F****** VIRUS.

Surveys are pretty much like virus too, you try to download something and then BOOOM! "Would you like to do this survey, mother f*ckler?", when my friends see this they are like "OMFG, I just want to be able to download this thing like WTF!"
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
hey, glad pc problems are solved for this time. (whts wrong whit [change country code to your home1 ore com] its not a pirate site, just a great one from those great guys)
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"