i mean, if it doesn't really matter, why did you even take the effort to remove it? The Url of the image, i mean.
I start cjecking the forums and I see this:
Originally Posted by Lust View Post

*sigh* lol

Also, seba, mat stop having stupid arguments, come on!
eki added the url in the image cause science said it would be a good idea, idk y you removed it, it was a waste of your time.

edited a few useless things in the main post
Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
Who made the banners? I suppose eki did, yes?
Well to be honest they're glitchy and not HQ.
I made some, compare them to the ones eki made.
Nah but seriously, thanks Onsola for the promotion, I promise to abide by my duty to fuck up the clan thread with shitty grammatical errors.
Nah but seriously, I corrected most of the errors that I saw.


Also maybe we should recruit more people.
Make sure they are active in forum and are good players as well with a good attitude i guess.
Anyways that is all
Last edited by 0RIGINAL5; Jan 21, 2016 at 05:55 PM.
But original, I've said something once as well when we changed it.
It's a shitty banner.

fix the torso direction and the angle of it. it looks awkward.
also, fix the foot that's kicking. it's really awkward, as in it's really long and the toes are that small.
just fix it. please.
more recruits would help, also upp that image was made by original, not mat, just so you know.

Ill try to reccruit more when I am back home, here with my cousin we mostly play warframe
well, i'll be able to be in game in 4 hour's time, wait for me guise. I wish those iPods would get delivered to me now

So, we dropped out of the Bands haha. I was laughing when our band leader told us

Also original, i think imatrx means the text headers.

So, we need a topic.
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
eki added the url in the image cause science said it would be a good idea, idk y you removed it, it was a waste of your time.

But there's no sense on that, like why the fuck would you click it for getting you in the same page? looks like a troll haha.
Onsola, you should know that a discussion is a thing and fighting is other thing, come on.
Running away...
Hey guys! I am using font size 5 because I want to.

Anyway i made the best artwork in the history of MAU

Open me or ill *tuuuuuuuuuuut*

Also i made a logo for my Organization, I tried my best XD


Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
I feel like this post is going to be a long one. I'll try my best to not make it a rant.

Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
I've taught you was strong, you do racist jokes as well, so pretty much I have proof about it.
Take it easy bro, not seriously.
I need to say this more than ten thousand times, is just a waste of a post.

Wrong. Just because it is a racist joke does not mean it offended me. They are annoying, vulgar, crude and simply out of taste. And plus, you're putting them out in the public eye, which is unethical in a way.
Ah, the ad hominem fallacy. I see you construct your fundamental arguments on fallacies.
I do that in private messaging. I could simply do it in public but I don't because I want it to be private. If you post the private messages here it's unethical in a way and it just looks like you're whining.

See, why I don't like to argue with you is because you suck at it. You use fallacies and completely dismiss major points of the argument, and you don't understand what I say. Please don't get in the field of debating, it's not for you, unless you improve your arguing and debating skills and get rid of your shitty informal logical fallacies. Now, you might call this a fallacy fallacy, but it's not. I'm not saying your argument is wrong or anything of that sort.
Also, I'm putting all this effort in my arguments and all I get is a fallacious and flat out effortless argument. You simply refuse to change.

Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
Very nice picture IMatrx, i like the color scheme.

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
more recruits would help, also upp that image was made by original, not mat, just so you know.

Ill try to reccruit more when I am back home, here with my cousin we mostly play warframe

Very hard to find recruits that perfect, unless we were some big-name clan who wars often, has a popular person(s) in it, and has a good rank in the clan list. It's almost unachievable.
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
But there's no sense on that, like why the fuck would you click it for getting you in the same page? looks like a troll haha.
Onsola, you should know that a discussion is a thing and fighting is other thing, come on.

Makes it seem more interactive. It isn't necessarily beneficial but it isn't harming anyone either.
Also, yes.

Note: Onsola, if you chime in to say that I'm the one having stupid arguments, you're mistaken. Look at the things I said above. They're logical and reasonable. Only person having the stupid arguments, I would say, is Superseba.