I meant like how we are not supposed to spam AT ALL

And how access from the private forum can be taken away if rules are not obeyed.
Bored of this....
Want to join GATA?
Excuse me. This is just an example


Includes double posting, useless comments and offtopic subjects.

Bored of this....
Want to join GATA?
Which aren't allowed in here.I won't accept "NUUUUU"s or any stupid comments please.Try to be mature as possible.
Activity check is up people!go post there to keep your membership in the clan.Not posting there in a week will result in getting kicked out of DIAF.
Originally Posted by MYI View Post
Activity check is up people!go post there to keep your membership in the clan.Not posting there in a week will result in getting kicked out of DIAF.

what do you mean go post THERE? where is THERE?

EDIT:SORRY!! i just found out where you mean!
Last edited by terryquan; Jul 1, 2009 at 03:24 AM.
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