nagas only advantage in farming is that images get the wave thing, which is pretty good, the only up side about her really.
but really, no one saw Notails support meepo, supporting 3 lanes at once?
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Yeah, right mate, that's what all the meepos say; "I'm supporting your lane"...

Where do I skip to?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff

How2extend game.

1.a. Take defensive team including treant, run medusa + drow because we are assholes.
1.b. Also run a defensive nightstalker for that anti-gank ulti.
2. Tree throws around heals and invis like crazy.
3. Delay first blood until 10 minutes (pudge is super mad because he spend tons of time out of lane fishing).
4. Group up and push towers while farming in between.
5. Don't buy rapier this game because I'm too afraid to throw.
6. Don't end up dying during push to win, could totally have bought rapier safely and ended 5-10 minutes earlier...

Oh well, fun game. The snakes are my favourite hard carries.

Here's a disgusting naga siren game

> radiance, travels, manta, 2xheart

Such an easy siege.

More naga

srsly is it even possible to lose with this hero? Too stronk.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Apr 7, 2014 at 05:39 PM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Dude it's because you need radiance first! If you get radiance before 20 minutes I think it's autowin.

Start with lots of regen -> boots -> radiance -> manta -> heart

You have to farm like crazy and get sick bank. Once you hit radiance your farming speed goes up ridiculously, you make illusions and send them to each lane or to jungle for you. Once you get manta you can easily farm a whole jungle and all the lanes. Once you get heart you send your illusions to siege towers and they will rat like crazy.

At that point it's very very hard for the enemy to defend. If ever they push, walk behind them and kill the creeps with illusions.

But all of this can't happen unless you get your radiance! Preferably before 20 minutes.

I like to take mid since you are a strong defensive teamfight hero, but if you take safelane you need a good support. If you can farm 50lh/10minutes I think you can get radiance easily.

So yeah, rice is life.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
you won all the games you got HP items and made it to the late game though.
thats sorta telling.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
So long as your team is moderately defensive or dominant in the early to early-mid game, you will get your radiance, and once you have it you can make space for yourself to farm by pushing all lanes with illusions. You will rice so fast.

Medusa can't really do that, she farms a lot faster and hits a lot harder, but she can't siege at well and she can't make space for herself.

Ya you just gotta make it to the late game, but I think if you make it to the mid game and you have a radiance, you are self sufficient at that point.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Started playing dota2 last night:
First game with Faceless Void: 0-2-0, bad bad bad
Second game with Bane: 1-0-4, eh
Third game with Lifestealer(my favorite so far): 7-1-4
Fourth game with Phantom Assassin: 10-1-3
Fifth game with Elder Titan(first loss): 10/4/7
Sixth game with Nightstalker: 2/2/4

I think i'm doing alright so far. I really like Lifestealer because he has ridiculous sustain and I like his kit feel.
Lifestealer is kind of crazy; lifesteal, slow, free bkb, initiation/escape. He doesn't have any real weaknesses right off the bat. You can easily farm ancients by level 4, and he doesn't need any special items. Pretty good hero. We like to run him with someone who can initiate so he can ride, like natures prophet, queen of pain, bounty hunter, riki, spiritbreaker, etc.

You can't really rate your games by your KDA though, if it's a low kill or short game you might have less, and if you play an initiator you will have more deaths. If you are a disabler you might not even get assists. For some roles its bad to get kills, like Elder Titan, I don't think you were the carry or a ganker, so try not to last hit the enemy heroes :P
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff