Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
What makes you think you're cool enough for bncy? I mean, if you're really as badass as you say you are, you need proof of you being a badass.

Originally Posted by bagtagger View Post
you want me in Bncy cuz im a total badass and uh...i have a win ratio of 2.002 so............yup im a 4th dan almost a 5th. i hate noob claps (who doesnt) and Bncy is a clan for only cool people?

You gotta learn to read between the periods.
Mosier: tl;dr gay clothing thoughts
1.@bagtagger Not being able to find the edit button. Priceless.

2.for everything else, there's Mastercard

3.I realize that people dont always use the forums but if you are rank 1 there is a good chance you would have more than 36 posts, Please post your stats bar thing from Torishop here as proof.

4.Gynx has a win rate of 2.7 after 25000 games. that's not luck. I have seen him in-game, he didn't buy that qi.

5.dont argue with gynx, he might do some voodoo or something on you....With mushroom induced delusions of coarse. He's an excellent drug dealer.

6.bouncy isn't JUST about being "Badass." Its about being "Badass." And epic, as in personality wise. I will post an example.

Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Hi War

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Amazing application. Accepted.

Ps. Things that show up as green in post may appear stupider than they actually are.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Vamp_09, congratulations

you've managed to be the most annoying applicant in a while, I almost broke my nose facepalming at your posts
Yes! Achievement unlocked!.... or something like that, but im only really posting here because im waiting for a definite yes or no. I really dont care which it is.
Technical Old School. - It exists.