Endurance Onslaught 6.0
to join the opposition
Name: PwnStead
Belt: brown
Best Mod: aikido
Why should we let you join the Klan Opposition:i am a pretty good player in many of the mods
Any special skills that can be useful to the clan: not really besides making the clan look good
How active are you ingame and on the forums: im on almost every day
Previous clans: i have never been in a clan b4

best mod: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9MB9G0M7
twinsword mod: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YO6BW4LB
Last edited by PwnStead; Apr 5, 2009 at 07:27 AM. Reason: did not explain
you can delete posts you know. Ill do it for you.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
ToriGirll, can you post that replay as an attactchment here?

PwnStead, if you show some increase in your forum activity (more posts), you'll have a yes from me.
srry i ussually dont post or reply just because uassually i screw up the subject.

Posts Merged:
hey gumfighter, how do u set a picture under your name?

nvm i found it out.

Don't triple post, there's an edit button for a reason.

hay buttch, did i make it in?
Last edited by PwnStead; Apr 6, 2009 at 02:48 AM.
Pwnstead, like I said you have to become more active (after your ban). However, the decision is not just all up to me. You must get two of the three leaders (Gumfighter, rollin, and I (Buttchouda)) to approve of your form.
can i join?
Im : black belt
Best mod : judo and aikido
if u need something just go to black belt: aikido, judo and kickbox

Belt:Black-380 to 2nd dan
Best Mod: Akido,Judo
Why should we let you join the Klan Opposition:I am looking for an active clan with good skills
Any special skills that can be useful to the clan: (making textures or avatars or something) naw i cant do anything like that, i havent tried thought
How active are you ingame and on the forums. ingame-quite alot, Forums - every now and then
Previous clans: No previous clans
How do you feel about the current clans/ What do you think of the current clans? I liek tha idea of clans, but none seem to apal to me, but this one does
Post at least one good replay of you in your best mod, and 2 replays of you in any mods.
-sorry dontknow how

BTW, you might not remember me gum, but i vsed you a few times in judo XD
Last edited by camareon; Apr 9, 2009 at 09:24 AM.
Originally Posted by Diogo95 View Post
can i join?
Im : black belt
Best mod : judo and aikido
if u need something just go to black belt: aikido, judo and kickbox


U need to be more forum active.