Hey there! My name is Christian. I’m 16 years old and most well known for hanging out in bet servers wasting my tc and erasing my dignity. I spend most of my toribash time either playing abd or getting better at parkour. Outside of tb I play the piano and do fun outdoor stuff like mountain biking and kayaking/paddleboarding. I have a bunch of socks that I’ve mostly grown out since I have a size 13 (american) shoe size. Most of them are black/grey/white.

I have a super awesome lab mix named Kona. He’s super big and strong but at the same time very sweet. Here’s a pic. I know a fair amount of py players reasonably well, mostly being anxiety since he spends a lot of time in bet servers like me. I took a long break after leaving in 2014 and just recently came back after a friend spoke about it. I don’t remember the name of my old alt, but it was only a black belt/brown belt. I’d rather not speak about my mom due to personal reasons but I think she's like 59. I could send you a picture over discord if you wanted but don’t want to do it on the forums here. I’m from the U.S. and I live in Florida. It’s as flat as a pancake here and pretty hot, but stuff like the ocean and sunsets more than make up for it. surfing is fun

The main reason I want to join py is because there's no player in the clan that I dislike and there's more than a few that I like which I can't say for all clans. Aside from a few recommendations from other players, I see cool players in py like anxiety, cryzy, and luxury pretty much every day. Hope you guys accept me into your clan, I'd love to be a part of it. Thanks!
infant cruncher toddler toucher

Axelfrog, you were accepted. Welcome to py!
Former Admin, Smod, Market Squad, Clan Squad and Toriagent. If you got any questions please don't contact me, thank you!
Application !

Hello! My name is Guillermo, I am from Argentina and I am 18 years old, I am a little recognized by some sparrers for having fought with people very recognized in the world of toribash, most of the time in Toribash doing sparring or parkour, lately I am practicing much spar with friends like Chazer, Deviltown, among others, Zolvic, etc. Out of this addictive video game, I like rap, freestyle and beatbox competitions, I'm beatboxer too! , I have been making sounds for 2 years as some would say, within toribash I have spoken few times with witch and I see that he is a humble person, respectful / honest, the reason why I want to join py and is for good chemistry / good relationship to get the best possible with all the members, I hope to be accepted in this Clan and be able to contact you by discord! (zelgood # 9606)
Last edited by zeicro; May 29, 2019 at 04:27 PM.
Through careful consideration, we won't be accepting Zeicro.

-Reason: He applied to [eVo] 4 days ago
Last edited by Suka; May 29, 2019 at 08:24 PM. Reason: im a dummyface
Former Staff Positions: Help Squad , & Tori-Agent
Goodboys -> Max | Ymir | Haku | Zephh | Furryprints | rcrichman
After a month
Former Admin, Smod, Market Squad, Clan Squad and Toriagent. If you got any questions please don't contact me, thank you!
hi yes im very cool can i join
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Pyramid Application!!!!
Ok! So basically mah user is Bane205 only because when I had a ps3 I put it that and then passed to ps4 and shit, you get the idea. But my name is Sophie and i'm 16. Alrighty?

Lets get some insight about me. Right now I'm typing this as Im betting at the same time. That also reminds me, I have a addiction to betting on toribash and it's kinda annoying.. I just can't stop. I'm kinda starting to do art on pc instead of drawing on a piece of paper and stuff. Ya know how it works, I don't feel like getting up and going shopping so I jut order it on walmart and wait for delivery, lol.

Ok you ready for some math? Lets do it! Hmm my Mum had me at 22 so if add 16.. she's probably like 38... Uh I hope this was enough, can't show my face rn but in the future I will in probably like a week. Sadly, I have no pets YET. (I'ma steal me some pets and they'll all be mine )

Btw I can get mad pretty quickly ;-;
Last edited by Bane205; Jun 8, 2019 at 11:54 PM. Reason: Be aware?
Hello Bane205,

We won't be accepting you. You can reapply in a month.
Former Staff Positions: Help Squad , & Tori-Agent
Goodboys -> Max | Ymir | Haku | Zephh | Furryprints | rcrichman