Damn Tsuion, I remember watching your replays ages ago and being absolutely mind blown by your speed, and you still have that same amazing style after all this time

keep it up my boy, you can shake off rust very quickly

what do you guys think of this anime battle so far
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superherospar.rpl (541.6 KB, 17 views)
Last edited by Glimpsed; Aug 26, 2018 at 04:33 PM.
heres an old spar and one i got no cnc on
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spar with trkmonarch.rpl (769.7 KB, 5 views)
<Tazare> Now that would decap a lot of daughters
<Tazare> Wouldn't you agree?
@Shigiezi: those are quite better than previous ones, fighting is looking better and you're more decisive with your moves but I still think you need to polish your moves and work more in your balance, good job

@Glimpsed: I really like spars with hacking, there are an infinite horizon of new things to make use of when you're using this feature, but I think you have to work more with it so you can make your hacks smoother.

First jump was good imo, I even didn't notice it at first xD

then you pull uke next to you from nothing, or maybe he "did it by himself" but I'd just recommend you to make better use those "pushs", anyways you managed to make it flow nicely with uke's movements so good job

last super hero thing was really funny xD but I think you have to sync it better with your arm tho

I don't know if you want to take it seriously and make as realistic as possible or something, it was a good replay to see but if I were the one to make it I wouldn't be completely satisfied.

Good stuff anyways

in another note, that's how I'm sparring in MP currently.
oh I forgot about Tsuion

No wonder why you're a teacher. I think your moves are a little clumsy and I don't like how your necks moves too often. I'm not a fan of how you use your arms to move around but that's my opinion only, although you can use them very well anyways.
Your fighting style is lovely, I like how you dodge attacks and how you take them making the fight more impactful giving more sense to the spar, and the moves you hit are just as impactful, merciless and powerful but not to the point you're just pushing your opponent.

I envy your fighting but I'm not a fan of your movements, you should be able to fix that by shaking off the rusty so I hope you spar more often and help me with the fighting factor at anytime
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sparring Akerui.rpl (740.7 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Lionet; Aug 27, 2018 at 12:01 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

I've made these this week, i think i'm improving but i need more control

I need critics and tips, please!
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kilerSBlu.rpl (562.6 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Pegasus; Aug 27, 2018 at 03:52 AM.
Undead Leader - Item Forger - Left-Handed - DeviantArt - Scorpius
pegasus: in that kiler spar, the kick around 1062 was fucking sick but everything else was kind of lackluster. you know how to move and get around which is a fucking awesome start, i think you still just need a little polish. Loosen up your joints a little! I think the kick around 692 is what bugs me the most, as it uncomfortably shifted your entire flow

i like your laucha spar a bit more. you're shifting your flow quite a lot in this one, but it feels generally less jarring due to the speed of your recoveries.

i think that, for the most part, we should work on the execution of your recoveries, as that seems to be what bugs me the most. you can pull off some really sick moves, just landing afterwards is less pleasant to see. hope i can spar you soon, i think it'd be fun!

Lionet: for a short snippet of a spar, that was pretty damn cool. i love the precision and execution of the attacks. I didn't care much for the last kick but it transitioned into a really cute pose which I LOVED.

here's another spar with shigiezi, and i'm getting back into the groove of things! had to edit my pose because the one i had before sucked, but this was really fun despite it having to be a shortie due to irl stuff.
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_s _shigiezi 3.rpl (541.4 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Marrez; Aug 29, 2018 at 08:05 AM.
the goblin

That spar was really cool, but the way uke reacted to that last kick seemed pretty lazy and you could have easily made it more impactful, but I love how your attacks actually connect, which is something most replaymakers neglect in spars. good shit


Your style is godly as usual, I hope one day to reach your mastery of spinshu
Last edited by Glimpsed; Aug 29, 2018 at 01:49 PM.
Sorry the spamming, but i'm trying to make 1 spar everyday (and the best ones i up here) to get some pratice.

I still improving and i'm proud for these last replays.

Vs. Haku in reality he needed to quit in 1070, so i'm improvised a final, but isn't looks good at all
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heber1111f.rpl (315.8 KB, 3 views)
sparhakupegasusfinalv2.rpl (279.1 KB, 3 views)
Undead Leader - Item Forger - Left-Handed - DeviantArt - Scorpius
@Pegasus: I think you did great in your spar with heber, you flowed your moves to the same side throughout the whole spar and your moves were sweet and better done
You have better control than average sparrers imo, with a little bit of practice to develop more your style and learn your way to fight you'll definitely be doing great replays

Now you spar with haku was messy (he's so clean btw), most of your moves were good but you wasn't really involved in the fighting atmosphere. Though you flowed pretty nicely with him

here is a selfspar update (since I have to leave and won't be able to finish it today). I think I'm recovering my fighting skills, hits are more impactful and I'm being able to deal with contact better than before
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selfspar #6 wip2.rpl (568.3 KB, 4 views)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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