My FIRST video game ever, i believe, was Super Mario World on the SNES. Back when I was, like, 4 or 5(1993 or 1994).
Reppin OLDA ಠ_ಠ
The first video game I ever played was a power-rangers fighting game for the original Sega.
Possibly the same thing kit was talking about.

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...
A long time ago... When i was around 3-4 i think. I can't really remember though. I remebered playing this SEGA Arcade pack with all these bunch of games in it. Also Sonic and Jazz Jackrabbit. The demo version. Obviously, i sucked.
Last edited by flubbah; Nov 1, 2008 at 03:39 PM.
It makes me wonder..
I started gaming when I was at least a toddler. (I didn't know what I was doing, but still) I actually have no memory of my first video game. I think it was Super Mario World for the SNES.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Ah.. Lemmings, back in '95. Man, that was a nice game.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Metal Gear Solid 1. (PS1)

They still make good story lines in those games...

Gotta look at Metal Gear Awesome in new grounds tho (Only if you have finished the game, otherwise you wont get the funny vid)