Originally Posted by xkpaxor View Post
From me reading your terms & conditions for a brief moment and thought this was a good and seemingly functional clan, I enjoy playing Toribash, which is why I am also looking for a group of others to join who also enjoy it, I play Toribash because Its fun, I play because its something to do, and when you have others to play with together, thats even better, it also shares the chance of sharing knowlage between one another. And to look and be able to see the intelectual [layers in a whole community represented as one, Giving the benifet of putting together a group od people to make up a great clan.

Thanks, Don Garrett/xkpaxor

You have applied for (Legion), (vorteX) and us at the same time. That's a nono.

Seal from the leaders (img)

Last edited by Link; Feb 24, 2015 at 04:00 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Okay Daedalus, TLDRVault has the 20qi now. Thanks to Insane for making the grind bearable.

Also everyone, we're now allies with WAPOW! Pop over there from time to time to say hello.
Last edited by Ele; Feb 24, 2015 at 04:50 AM.
Originally Posted by Space View Post
So, what exactly is wrong with applying for multiple clans? You would want options right?

Sure, but it's always been widely considered to be bad form.

That aside, we wouldn't have accepted him anyway, even if he did only apply for us.

I just saw you were from Australia a few pages back Ele, never would've guessed ;)

What state are you from?
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
From Queensland, near Brisbane. You're also an aussie as well?

Well holy molly.
I'm like two hours away from you. :o
My dad lives in Brisbane, so I go up there occasionally.
father of philip scone
I'm from Western Australia, the only toribash player that exists here except Gorman!

Anyways, since I was invited to this lovely clan, I'd like to start a discussion!

I recently heard on the radio that the government was planning on increasing alcoholic beverage prices to predominantly combat addiction and domestic violence.

I strongly disagree with this solution, in my opinion this won't discourage the majority of people to stop buying the product, this will just leave the alcoholic's with less money, which will most likely end up making the situation worse. I also believe this will increase the profit of the companies producing the beverages if they're forced to increase their prices, enabling them to produce and circulate more alcohol ect.
Everybody welcome our newest, most sxc member, Swaves!

Originally Posted by Donkey View Post
Well holy molly.
I'm like two hours away from you. :o
My dad lives in Brisbane, so I go up there occasionally.

You legal to drink mate? Could have a piss up!

Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I'm from Western Australia, the only toribash player that exists here except Gorman!

Anyways, since I was invited to this lovely clan, I'd like to start a discussion!

I recently heard on the radio that the government was planning on increasing alcoholic beverage prices to predominantly combat addiction and domestic violence.

I strongly disagree with this solution, in my opinion this won't discourage the majority of people to stop buying the product, this will just leave the alcoholic's with less money, which will most likely end up making the situation worse. I also believe this will increase the profit of the companies producing the beverages if they're forced to increase their prices, enabling them to produce and circulate more alcohol ect.

Yeah - any sales tax affects lower-income earners far harder than anyone else. Since they're alcoholics, they're just going to keep buying alcohol, just like smokers with cigarettes.

Then, oh shit, this poor alcoholic has no money - how does he get money? Crime. Shit's fked.