Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Toribash won't let anyone have good usernames because apparently the word "cunt" is controversial.
really, toribash. not cool.
Also Augans was a shit name.

id say raaage is bad but that's too easy
i dont like names that repeat letters for no reason, its like you didnt know your keyboard had a delete key

nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Last edited by Organs; Jun 30, 2014 at 07:44 PM.
Originally Posted by Organs View Post
id say raaage is bad but that's too easy

i dont like names that repeat letters for no reason

That is true.
No sig here.
Originally Posted by Redhawk14 View Post
you don't usually hear people saying Complexity or Qubic that often, but you might hear Kill or Killer or Ninja or whatnot more often.

i agree with this, but, common words that are adjectives normally work in the reverse way; swift is a nice name, same with cold, red, etc. compared to the ones that don't really sound good, like killer, ninja, gunman, commando, etc which are nouns. tl; dr, adjectivenames>nounnames for some of the time. but made up words like shook are also nice
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
It should be simple to remember so when your opponent falls at the palms of your wushu feet, they remember, they remember who just Rekd them.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
It should be simple to remember so when your opponent falls at the palms of your wushu feet, they remember, they remember who just Rekd them.

Coincidentally, that's someone's username.

I think made up words are the best.
Oh, I know I think h kind o brought the word to light and I hope it's Culapou I had fun times with him Clockwork, TheGod and Rekd
Originally Posted by Skylarrr View Post
... made up words like shook...

ey yo it's actually a real word

Check out the past tense of the word "shake". I was surprised when i learned of this, because i didn't think it was a real word when i originally found it. :v

Also, addendum to my original clause of nouns: They shouldn't be aiming to make yourself sound dark, mysterious or badass. I WILL make fun of you if that is the case. Ideally, the word should in fact be neutral or silly. "Shadow" is cheesy as fuck, for example, while "Baguette" would be entirely acceptable.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Like ishi. Usernames can stand for cool, fame, fortune, strength.

13chilz, firebolty, fistoflife

You need to be known as a person and a whole before a username is good! :l
Some criteria for a username I consider 'good'.

- Pronouncable (I failed there)
- No redundant characters like random numbers or X's
- Not too long
- I like humour
- Tooting your own horn is stupid ("mightygodofwar", "epickiller" or shit like that is just stupid)
- Random capitalisation is stupid
- Numbers instead of letters are stupid
- Can't be insulting
f=m*a syens