Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
"...[not] associat[ing] clans or organisations which have not given their permission to do so"

in my opinion that isn't a valid reason, and i don't find that anywhere in the rules, so if you may, link it to us.

another thing is what sense would it make to write "a collaboration between: god team, mad, team sambo"? the whole team wushu/fl0w thing is to make the video have some sense of humor, so people can appreciate it, and the e-sports reference and the penis reference help on that matter too. the goal wasn't to criticize or make fun of it.

Originally Posted by pal
isn't that like if eddy banned everyone for making "evo 420 blaze it" jokes?

to me, it is. it doesn't make sense to say "rawr 420 blaze it", because it's all about the clan's history and how it affects the whole community, therefore it's about how the community sees the clan.

not to mention that you guys had some kind of porn stash in your private board or something, which could be implied in the penis reference.
more stuff. everyone obviously knows that team wushu and fl0w didn't participate on the making of this mod, not only because it's a notable fun-intended post, but also because how you fl0wer powers react to it, but deprav liked it!

according to your logic, hampa would have banned everyone who has "made fun" of his picture?

Originally Posted by TheGod
this mod has been approved by hampa himself

Certificate of approval

he didn't approve for sure. he doesn't have to. seriously, get sense of humor, have a laugh or something
Last edited by pal; Jan 16, 2014 at 01:52 AM.
I personally don't think the mods and admins are bad people, I just think most of them are unfriendly, more so than most of the players of this game. I kind of always see a pissed off or on edge admin/mod.

I guess my 2 cents is for the mods and admins of the forums to get some more sleep and not get on until they're a little more peppy? Cranky people do cranky things. I've also seen some posts around where a moderator is on and drunk. That's aaaalll cool if you're just hanging with your bros and clanbros, but considering being someone in power requires making some rational decisions, why not be awake and at your clearest?

but hey, I dunno. they do what they gotta do, I guess. I'm, personally, pretty okay with most of the people with power these days, just... not a lot of the players.
Last edited by Marrez; Jan 16, 2014 at 02:03 AM.
the goblin

I don't believe there is a rule about "...[not] associat[ing] clans or organisations which have not given their permission to do so", I just see it as a common sense thing if one of the goals of a thread is to simply make fun of a group of users. I don't see the problem with a mod being created, along with a thread if there is no 'over the top' ill-intention. There are ways to market a product without attempting to shame or put down other people, and I'm more than aware of my connection to the two 'affected' groups, but I don't see this as something which affects my judgement at this time.

The one day ban was placed because after I gave TheGod a warning, TheGod refused to heed it and simply reversed my changes.
Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
So initially I edited out the "fl0w" and "TeamWushu" references and closed the thread, giving TheGod a 'verbal warning' about "...[not] associat[ing] clans or organisations which have not given their permission to do so" (there is a previous thread on which a clan/user(s) was made fun of, and so I used this as a reference for what I would do). Smilies2 then re-open the thread, having seen that I had changed these things, and I am fine with this. TheGod then edited back into the thread what had been removed (having changed the lettering slightly for some content), and so I chose to place a ban on TheGod's account. I then left a note for TheGod/Smilies2 to let them know the thread could be re-opened.

Does such a rule actually exist? I've read all the rules threads many many times, and I've never heard anything like that before. Even if you count 'hidden' rules I've never heard it.

Why would that even warrant a ban? Shouldn't it be an infraction at worst?

Either way, please link to where you got that rule from!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Does such a rule actually exist? I've read all the rules threads many many times, and I've never heard anything like that before. Even if you count 'hidden' rules I've never heard it.

Why would that even warrant a ban? Shouldn't it be an infraction at worst?

Either way, please link to where you got that rule from!

(refer to previous post)

When ever I place a warning, infraction and or ban I look at user's warning/infraction history.
about having a nice place to have fun, i guess everyone should do good use of the OT board. saif's cake thread and oblivion's physics thread were really nice and they weren't wibbly at all. i guess users don't need to go full random "HUEHUE XD BROFIST" to have fun

Originally Posted by Deuteria
see it as a common sense thing

normally rules are already made based on/according to common sense and the standards of a community i guess.

Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
simply make fun of a group of users.

deprav liked the joke though
Well I mean trash talking shouldn't be banable it gives a purpose to clan enemies and at one point was encouraged on the main site until people turned to bitches.
The fact that you banned him over a rule that does not exist is absurd. The fact that you banned him over a rule that does not exist but was once endorsed when playing the game is even worse.
1 day or 1 month is too much for a rule that doesn't exist.

EDIT: Even a member of TW appreciated the mod and yet you decided that everyone there hated it and took it offensively.
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Originally Posted by pal View Post
deprav liked the joke though

The mod is funny, yes.

Originally Posted by Natejas View Post
Well I mean trash talking shouldn't be banable it gives a purpose to clan enemies and at one point was encouraged on the main site until people turned to bitches.

Trash talking isn't 'banable' if it's kept clean and in the right place(s).

Originally Posted by Natejas View Post
The fact that you banned him over a rule that does not exist is absurd. The fact that you banned him over a rule that does not exist but was once endorsed when playing the game is even worse.

I'm not aware of the 'rule' to which you are referring. I don't believe a rule from the past should influence the present. A ban was placed because a warning was not taken seriously, along with a user's large number of infractions.

Originally Posted by Natejas View Post
1 day or 1 month is too much for a rule that doesn't exist.

As above.

Originally Posted by Natejas View Post
EDIT: Even a member of TW appreciated the mod and yet you decided that everyone there hated it and took it offensively.

I don't see how a TW member's opinion that should affect the decision. If you look through the thread to which you are referring, you will see users' posts which show what the thread was being used for. I do not 'hate' it, and I do not take offense to it.
Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
The mod is funny, yes.

Trash talking isn't 'banable' if it's kept clean and in the right place(s).
It was clean, a tubeman mod made out of inspiration from team wushu and fl0w

I'm not aware of the 'rule' to which you are referring. I don't believe a rule from the past should influence the present. A ban was placed because a warning was not taken seriously, along with a user's large number of infractions.
The rule was what you banned him for, making fun of a group of people. It was clean trash talking and it was taken out of hand from you guys. trash talking was endorsed by staff at one point and then you banned him for trash talking or as you said "making fun of people" as if it offended you and your people

As above.
It was a rule you made up and never existed and shouldn't of had any infraction points, it didn't break any rules.

I don't see how a TW member's opinion that should affect the decision. If you look through the thread to which you are referring, you will see users' posts which show what the thread was being used for. I do not 'hate' it, and I do not take offense to it.
The thread showed appreciation to fl0w,fl0w2(TW), and godteam for making the mod which was a great addition to the mod list in toribash, no rules should have been broken had you not reacted so harsh to it.

~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
The mod is funny, yes.

Trash talking isn't 'banable' if it's kept clean and in the right place(s).
It was clean, a tubeman mod made out of inspiration from team wushu and fl0w
*In the right place(s)*

I'm not aware of the 'rule' to which you are referring. I don't believe a rule from the past should influence the present. A ban was placed because a warning was not taken seriously, along with a user's large number of infractions.
The rule was what you banned him for, making fun of a group of people. It was clean trash talking and it was taken out of hand from you guys. trash talking was endorsed by staff at one point and then you banned him for trash talking or as you said "making fun of people" as if it offended you and your people ; the ban reason was somewhat inexplicit, however the ban message to the user involved wasn't ; *In the right place(s)* ; that endorsement no longer exists to my knowledge ; *previous history, warned, banned*

As above.
It was a rule you made up and never existed and shouldn't of had any infraction points, it didn't break any rules.
As above.

I don't see how a TW member's opinion that should affect the decision. If you look through the thread to which you are referring, you will see users' posts which show what the thread was being used for. I do not 'hate' it, and I do not take offense to it.
The thread showed appreciation to fl0w,fl0w2(TW), and godteam for making the mod which was a great addition to the mod list in toribash, no rules should have been broken had you not reacted so harsh to it.
For which other people used to 'talk trash' ; I find the mod funny myself ; there would have been no ban had a user taken heed of a warning.
