Why you want to join us: A good active clan is nice for some one who has just returned. I have looked you guys over and have seen that you are all cool people to be around and I would like to get in the time to get to know all of you and hopefully help this clan rise to the top!
Your favorite mods:Wushu3, Brushu, Rk_mma, abd.
Their infractions / ban (please be honest): Uh, no not yet.
Nationality: Hispanic
How many languages ​​you speak: 1
Special skills: I suck :< i have no other skills other than ingame
Have previous clans? whom and why leave?: This will be my first clan :0
Their level of activity in the forum and in game: A lot everyday
How long you play toribash: about 2-3 ears
Was invited by someone: nope
Read the rules ya
How you can help us: I can help by adding a good wushu player for clan events and what not. I can also play other mods so im not just a one mod guy. I am active both ingame and forums.
Originally Posted by Nadame View Post

I have nothing else to ask, also met ingame you still have things to learn buddy.

About you patrick, well you had some good moves, but you use bad moves, almost same startee all the time, kicklift, and you should make your move more focused, you go for random things which's actually not the best decision at all.
Not my stongest yes, you still need to learn.
█▀ ▀█ | Hungarian Dj | too OLDA | [l],[M]
Originally Posted by 9patrick6 View Post
6/10 if i check the forum from my tab

Ehhhm really I dont know, ~neutral

Originally Posted by Nadame View Post
Why you want to join us: A good active clan is nice for some one who has just returned. I have looked you guys over and have seen that you are all cool people to be around and I would like to get in the time to get to know all of you and hopefully help this clan rise to the top!
Your favorite mods:Wushu3, Brushu, Rk_mma, abd.
Their infractions / ban (please be honest): Uh, no not yet.
Nationality: Hispanic
How many languages ​​you speak: 1
Special skills: I suck :< i have no other skills other than ingame
Have previous clans? whom and why leave?: This will be my first clan :0
Their level of activity in the forum and in game: A lot everyday
How long you play toribash: about 2-3 ears
Was invited by someone: nope
Read the rules ya
How you can help us: I can help by adding a good wushu player for clan events and what not. I can also play other mods so im not just a one mod guy. I am active both ingame and forums.

....some one who has just returned.... Main acc name?
Last edited by Possesed; Sep 21, 2013 at 03:14 PM.
Nadame you must have a main acc, whats your main?

Its about a yes to Partrick
idk he could be used to forums after joining?
Patrick - At this time I don't really see what you can bring to the clan but I'll have a look around, so for the moment I'm undecided.

Nada....I feel like your a alt so I say no.
Last edited by Goughy; Sep 21, 2013 at 03:03 PM.

Originally Posted by 9patrick6 View Post

Real Name:.patrick
Ingame name:.9patrick6
Belt (black belt):2nd dan blackbelt
Why you want to join us?:because all the member here are pros and active ingame/forum
favorite mods:Aikido,Aikido Big Dojo,Greykido,Runkido,Cubekido
Their infractions / ban (please be honest):

Reason: Useless post
Sep 18, 2011 01:00 PM by Vox 2 / Expired
How many languages ​​you speak:2
Special skills:
Have previous clans? whom and why leave?:toxic(i think the member is not active in forum and ingame),boosted kickz(dead),pub(dead),sensei(inactive member),warz(too few member),pulse(dead),deadman(dead).[M]etal is a lot better than my prev clan
How long you play toribash:2.5 yrs
Alts: litte
Was invited by someone?: No
Read the rules?:yea

Well, not bad app, i think that you still learning things but i can see someone amazing in the future. Guess that if you join us, we'll turn you a better player. Why not? Accepted.
Gl with the Trial Member thing.

Originally Posted by Nadame View Post
Why you want to join us: A good active clan is nice for some one who has just returned. I have looked you guys over and have seen that you are all cool people to be around and I would like to get in the time to get to know all of you and hopefully help this clan rise to the top!
Your favorite mods:Wushu3, Brushu, Rk_mma, abd.
Their infractions / ban (please be honest): Uh, no not yet.
Nationality: Hispanic
How many languages ​​you speak: 1
Special skills: I suck :< i have no other skills other than ingame
Have previous clans? whom and why leave?: This will be my first clan :0
Their level of activity in the forum and in game: A lot everyday
How long you play toribash: about 2-3 ears
Was invited by someone: nope
Read the rules ya
How you can help us: I can help by adding a good wushu player for clan events and what not. I can also play other mods so im not just a one mod guy. I am active both ingame and forums.

No, this app sucks and you seems inactive as hell.
Got a thing to say.
Don't vote no or yes cause someone else said yes or no.
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

Hello,so..that's my app
Real name: Felipe
ingame name: Felipao(ingame acc)/Felipa(forum acc because i can't post with Felipao)
Belt (black belt): 7th dan(Felipao)
Why you want to join us? I want to join this clan because i'm loyal to every clan ,if i get out someday, I know that It was not because of some opportunity in another clan... if it's big or small,it doesn't matter to me,i feel proud in every clan and I feel proud to represent it ingame or in forum.
For me,this clan have a good leadership,good members,it's perfect to have a comeback(came back yesterday)
Your favorite mods: Aikido and Aikido7
Their infractions / ban (please be honest): In Felipao(when I was able to post)
Blatant Spam.
and an 'infraction' called Shameful member who don't let me post anymore with my main acc
Nationality: Brazil
How many languages ​​you speak: Portuguese,English,Spanish and Italian
Special skills:
Have previous clans? whom and why leave?: Yes,let me see,Black Magic(dead),PureDark(before turning into official....they said that to stay in the clan i had to pay 1500 tcs per week),Hunters(2 times,the first time I left because my inactivity wasn't helping much and in the second time to help No-Mercy don't die),Neon/Anonymous(I Joined with Kau and other players in the leadership,but they were kicked i don't know why and i left because i never accepted this fact),No-Mercy(heping the clan and Left it because i was getting inactive again)...VorteX(dead) fact,i was never kicked in the parts that say 'i was inactive' ,i left before,to me,that's a form of respect,if i'm not helping the clan anymore,i get out,and in every clan I created a friendship with some members.
level of activity in the forum and in game: I came back yesterday so i'm giving a 5 to my activity
How long you play toribash: 4 years in my 2 accounts
Age: 15
Alts: this acc
Was invited by someone? Sure, -Kau- invited me.
Read the rules? Sure
A small bibliography I'm a amateur singer and composer( i train since 8 years old),Violinist(Italian family with many musicians), sportist too( Rugby,Boxing and Handball)
I think that i don't need to say more than this hmmm.... i Love classical music,metal,rock etc
Your user card:
How you can help us? I can help in Aikido(some techniques that I know.)
Another progger! let's listen to Dream Theater!!!! hahahah