Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
But really age plays a large roll you can't expect a 16 year old kid to deal with a situation like 24 year old.

Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
I never said age is maturity"kid". I'm sure there are 16 year olds as mature as 30 year olds and vise versa. I'll use you as my example. But there is a definitive link between brain development, maturity, and age. But gg. Grow up.

Stop arguing with yourself.

Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
Also my I ask what you do for a living skul? I'm curious what kind of full grown adult calls people kids and says "gg".

the same kind of adult that calls children "children" and pays taxes and stuff.
there is no difference.

Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
Well they usually are blatantly inferior

This guy knows what hes talking about.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Clearly that is the problem solver Ishi. Or you could just focus on doing your job better?

Well Benny boy seems upset I called kids generally less mature and inferior mods. Also I only asked that because I have friends who still say things like "gg" and I was just wondering if he compared to them.
For the record: I thought your one month ban was too much, but seeing as you had so many infractions points it was my only way to ban you.
My intention was to reduce your ban to something humane once you apologized.
Almost all longer bans I hand out can be redeemed. I like to ask people to write me essays about what they have done wrong and how they could do better.

You probably still could get your ban reduced.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
Clearly that is the problem solver Ishi. Or you could just focus on doing your job better?

Well Benny boy seems upset I called kids generally less mature and inferior mods. Also I only asked that because I have friends who still say things like "gg" and I was just wondering if he compared to them.

And what's the problem with gg? Actually, that brings up another point. What do you define as maturity? Is it the perfect mixture of professionalism and generosity that would somehow allow you to act hostile and sarcastic and still have your ban reduced? That kind of maturity isn't maturity at all, it's childlike selfishness on your part. Do you want a staff that is unbiased and robotic because you genuinely feel things would be run better? Or because you feel like you were unjustly punished and the only possible reasoning is that the staff can't handle their own without a very specific rulebook, lest you run out of options and start blaming yourself for your ban and the way you feel you were treated? How can you talk about maturity so much with a straight face while calling someone "bozo" or "Benny boy", and even implying you're more than someone who politely says gg?
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
If you act condescending towards the staff, your actions are reflected onto you. Don't be an asshat and you won't think the staff are asshats(except maybe siku). In any case, they work very hard as volunteers and don't deserve such harsh criticism.
Sid ill get to your post, or not, I'm on my phone with no pc and have been very busy. But redundant if I did appeal my ban would I have to deal with chozy?