Erth said this:

"Yeah, what these guys have said is right.
I extended this round by 3 days given the amount of clans that hadn't played so the next round will start on the 13th of August
But RageFist is right - you'll have about 10 days to sort it all out from the 13th so there isn't a HUGE rush.

Chances are I won't be extending the rounds after this "

Well, I don't know if we're supposed to toribash our way to victory now or if we have to wait Erth say: round 1 started or smth like that.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
if you guys wanna discuss times and dates in real time /join #family in irc. do you have any channel?

/join #family.
hi guys, my internet died a few days ago and then i traveled to somewhere else and im sending this from my phone at a bar that happens to have internet. ill be back on thursday, idk if thats soon enough or not, but for now i cant do anything until then i am having fun though, im in the portuguese equivalent of candyland and ive been eating lots of stuff covered in sugar and chocolate. cheers
oh yeah
^^^ Loool.
Next saturday at 1800 GMT doesnt work for me very well, i'll be at work. maybe 12-1400?
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
i've told you to /join #family

Originally Posted by pusga View Post
im in the portuguese equivalent of candyland and ive been eating lots of stuff covered in sugar and chocolate. cheers

omg go fuk urself i never been there
Yeah, well I'm glad that you can tell me to join your irc channel.
Sadly, I won't be doing that. We can discuss the timing here, or in your clan forum.

If someone else from DP wants to join your channel, that's cool. but barring that, post what times work for you here , and we'll work something out.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
so saturday 1200ish looks okay for you? any objections, peoples?
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C