i like peoples that like wushu =]
but ive never seen him or i did but i dont remember him

which means he not good or he does play alot =[
Im online 3-5 h a day. I play most at hung serv. and im good, test me and u will see
I'm broad, I'm broad, I'm broader than broadway
MEmber OF Hurricane
XD can't find your server XD number ? Been trying to find it :P

edit: found it waiting for someone testig me XD
I'm broad, I'm broad, I'm broader than broadway
MEmber OF Hurricane
i am not a black belt i am a brown belt but i can easily take down black belts or higher, i am a friend of speedys and would like to join. i want to join because hurricane sounds like a kewl clan i am best at judo:fracture and betabox
i tested dekkon and he is Badass! sorry for language, but he pwned meh! i likes him =]

EDIT: also a guy named Sanex is loooking to join and i play against him and hes alright, but he seem good in wushu =]
Last edited by GloomyBear; Jul 23, 2008 at 08:14 PM.
In-game Name: Sanex
Belt: Black
Why you want to Join: I would liek to join a friendly and active and helping clan.. I hope this is
What Modes Are you best at: Wushu, TK, classic n shit

EDIT: thanks, butt :3
Thanks, RA ¦)

Other stuff: Im Really forum-active and Im good at gfx :3 (avvys, sigs, lgogs, textures, too)
Last edited by Sanex; Jul 24, 2008 at 04:09 AM.
In-game Name:Kirau
Belt:almost black
Why you want to Join:cuz i need a clan
What Modes Are you best at:twinswords and jousting and judo or classic