Originally Posted by Math View Post
GUYS, today was the first day of spring semester classes. And one girl take a pic of me to post in her site...

ie, this pic was taken today by my friend (she's photographer of the site)

Is she hot? If she is I want her to take a pic of me... naked.

Also, you are more sexy than I remember Math, can I be your friend? With benefits... no homo.
When I saw that picture of you, it reminded me of Neil Patrick Harris.


Just a bit?
Last edited by Shmevin; Aug 2, 2012 at 06:57 AM.
My eyes aren't blue, and I'm not as german as him... But yes, we are similar. He has a large forehead, his face's shape is similar and he's gay.
Amazing actor. Hugest womanizer in How I Met Your Mother and gay IRL.

You're a womanizer IRL and act all gay when you're in here with us. Possible analogy? :P
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
Obvious answer: Math is Neil Patrick Harris in disguise.
We welcome you with open arms oh mighty actor.
daddy kill the spider