I would suggest getting to your TC goal, and then spending the extra TC on events. It is much more essential.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
You guys are having a rough start.
Anyways I couldn't make the banner the way you wanted it.
Here is what I did instead.
None infractions or bans? Pretty good, but. If you know about clans and how to apply you surely know about this community. For now you seem ok. You are accepted, welcome to the Oda clan.
I Just want to say something.
My GMT is +3 and i think the clan members have different gmt than me.
Thats the reason people THINK im in active.
I play 3.5 hours daily + every 1 hour on forums.

PLZ dont think im inactive. PLZ.

Thats all i have to say.

Feel Free to Pm Me.

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If that is the case than you are in able of being in any clan. Also, redfod, Double clanning is illegal in our clan. I shall inform your leader of this matter. More likely your whole clan.