Original Post
[Event] Best Rapper Alive

There can only be one.

Make a rap at least 20 lines long, about anything. It cannot be stolen, it must be made just for this purpose.
If it doesn't make sense, it has no chance of winning.
Only one winner will be chosen.
You can only submit one rap.


A random item and 10k and a gangsta head

July 3rd

Be the best, or go down like the rest.
Good luck
Last edited by mWah; Jul 1, 2010 at 09:23 PM.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
my entry:


livin' here with half closed eyes
caught in eternal reprise
trapped in lies
and we can't see our own demise
all the cries
hidden deep behind
the walls that bind
our minds
to think like we are on the rise
all the shoutin'
soldiers cloutin'
the ground, once untouched
what we can't see don't seem like much
but its what's causin' all the pain
messin' with your brain
gettin' all our fighters slain
someone tear us from the rain
all of this yet here we lay
pushing all the black away
wipe your eyes
it's not a dream
ream the seam
and you will find
behind bullets in your mind
lies the truth
we're just blind

Originally Posted by EtherealDemise View Post
I got one more response, then Im calling it quits,
One more try to leave you in spasming fits,
You do know the definition of rhythm, right?
Its the bread and butter of every single rap fight,
Thats why i said all bark no bite,
I was trying to be concise,
Hitting you up with a rhythm that was nice
But I guess short and sweet just didn't do it for you,
You had to go and use winnie-the-pooh,
What the fuck is this, a kid's contest?
I guess I should bring my blankie, let it do the rest,
Then you go on and say Im not too bright,
You DO know what my name means, right?
Bet you just had to look at my sig,
Am I speakin a language you can dig?
Your lexicon is small,
Mine could challenge em all,
You ain't no sesquipedallion,
Lookin at them words like theyre alien,
So next time,
Before you spin another rhyme,
Just remember EtherealDemise,
Words so big they'll destroy your eyes.

Dear E.D
why dont you just shut up instead/
but no you have to talk about butter and bread/
ED take the beers, drink'em 'n' ascend/
duty calls, i have to fuck your girlfriend/
your life got a very bad start/
like a fat man in a go-kart/
call your text a diss would i barely do/
sorry, no time to write, im just passing thru/

(srsly, gotta go)
"I've seen enough rule number 34 to burn down a large catholic school" - Bish
I remember back in the day when I was just white belt,
All these assholes beating me the pain I felt,
The name is pat0684
Getting knocked down but I’m still standing tall
All these people say “ROFL this guys a noob
He probs couldnt even get one boob”
But I proved them wrong smashing them straight in the face
They were all going down like my kicks were made of mace
After all these battles my futures looking brighter
Im so strong im like a muay tai fighter.
I will grab your legs and Throw you up in the air.
Do a spinning kick body parts every where.
Blood on my hands and I don’t even care
Ima 8th dan going room to room
Taking of my left arm chick chick BOOM!
Right in the sweet spot spilling out with blood
Your looking so high like your on some bud
but it doesn’t matter cause your coming back down
your head on the ground that’s the only sound
flyest cat here pat0684
You better pick me cause im so fucken hardcore. :P
Originally Posted by Reanimator View Post
can I say nigga?

yeah, nigga.
Wait, what