How can you have a ''genre'' vs. ''genre'' discussion? I don't get why this thread till pollutes music chat with it's mindless fanboyism from the communities' 'br0ot4l m3talheads' and 'gangsta nigga's'. It's like the comments section on a youtube video. Seriously.
Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post
I hate rap from the depth of my soul.

Technically same here,I don't hate all of it,but I hate all of the ones that go "yo,yo,suck ma dick,I'm betta then you,yo,yo",but I like the ones that make sence,and don't try to prove that they're better then everyone else with a big and giant private.
Originally Posted by CharredLightning View Post
Technically same here,I don't hate all of it,but I hate all of the ones that go "yo,yo,suck ma dick,I'm betta then you,yo,yo",but I like the ones that make sence,and don't try to prove that they're better then everyone else with a big and giant private.

Yep its called "Ego Tripping", and sure its stupid.
Its as stupid as some "trve" black metal bands when they want to pose and look meaner than any other band, claiming they want to burn churches and rape nuns, specially in the northern Europe, when in reality most of them are some soft pussies still living with their moms and scared of thunders lol
Everybody wants to look the most extreme, the most ignorant ruthless monster, the most extravagant... They end up being only one thing: Ridiculous.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by CharredLightning View Post
Technically same here,I don't hate all of it,but I hate all of the ones that go "yo,yo,suck ma dick,I'm betta then you,yo,yo",but I like the ones that make sence,and don't try to prove that they're better then everyone else with a big and giant private.

I practically agree.
But as most of the school listen to that kind of moron shit, I started to hate it.
Centuries Of Damn
Originally Posted by GenkiSudo View Post
Yep its called "Ego Tripping", and sure its stupid.
Its as stupid as some "trve" black metal bands when they want to pose and look meaner than any other band, claiming they want to burn churches and rape nuns, specially in the northern Europe, when in reality most of them are some soft pussies still living with their moms and scared of thunders lol
Everybody wants to look the most extreme, the most ignorant ruthless monster, the most extravagant... They end up being only one thing: Ridiculous.

You must love Alice Cooper interviews.
Anyway, the only kind of rap I can stand is RATM and that's not actually rap. I don't see the musical reaserch or the lyrical engagement and deepness that you can find in some metal bands (e.g: System of a Down).
Originally Posted by Degradation View Post
Can't stand the screaming shit.

Then listen to real metal ffs...
Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post
I hate rap from the depth of my soul.

I love you.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
How can you have a ''genre'' vs. ''genre'' discussion? I don't get why this thread till pollutes music chat with it's mindless fanboyism from the communities' 'br0ot4l m3talheads' and 'gangsta nigga's'. It's like the comments section on a youtube video. Seriously.

I agree, you can't compare these two genres without it transforming into a mindless squabble. They're completely different, and you can't just say "metal is better" or "rap is better". It's like starting a debate with the topic "superman vs. Batman".
Well, i might have gotten a little bit ahead of myself.

yes harl, you bring up a good point, actually this thread should be closed imo. It will just lead to a massive flame war. rap and metal are both very good genres. I just tend to pay more attention to metal, because I like the heavier rythms.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"