Originally Posted by shook View Post
Still a virgin at 17 years old, yo. Not that i would mind losing my virginity, i'd just prefer to lose it to someone i'd like losing it to, if you get where i'm going.

Pretty much what I was going to say, if you subtract a year from that. So I can't be bothered with writing it all myself as well.
I forgot to include the quote..

No one in this thread lost their virginity at 11. The people here saying they lost it around 15 and above are the only ones I believe. Also to his sister, that’s messed up. =|

He was raped, his family is REALLY messed up.. his older sister has slept with every guy I know minus my boyfriend and the really nerdy /b/tards I associate with. And yes, my boyfriend is a really nerdy /b/tard
Meh, rape isn't all it's cracked up to be. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as i thought I would

Lost my virginity at 10
Last edited by rafufu; Sep 21, 2009 at 05:04 PM. Reason: forgot the apostrophe >.<
Originally Posted by Zapachu View Post
I forgot to include the quote..

He was raped, his family is REALLY messed up.. his older sister has slept with every guy I know minus my boyfriend and the really nerdy /b/tards I associate with. And yes, my boyfriend is a really nerdy /b/tard

Thats really really messed up. Yeah it is a shame that no one wants the /b/tards I mean what did they do to deserve that?

I lost mine at 15. I'm starting to agree with this thread more, so might as well reveal.