Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
There's one kid in my school named William, who's a generally annoying faggot with a high pitched voice who runs around trying to follow people and make jokes. Let me clarify how much he gets on people's nerves; the fourth week of school for this year just wrapped up today, and he's been beaten up by students four times. Even my math teacher told him it was pretty much his fault all this goes down when a kid punched Will in the face in the middle of class (referred puncher didn't get into any kind of trouble at all) He's like a troll, an extremely gay one who seems to enjoy the pain. And the students at the school are obliged to give out some of said pain.

Anyhoo, earlier today I got together with a friend and we hurled him off the school bleachers during gym. Fun stuff, because he's like 5'6" and weighs maybe 120 (scrawny little rat), and my friend and I are both over 6' and are STEROIDUSERSFUDGEYES. By steroid users, I of course mean we're able to actually work out without stunting our growth and therefore have ADEQUATELYVISIBLEMUSCLES.

A couple people walking the track saw him flying and stopped to cheer and piss on him. (Mentally, of course) Later that same day, as we get ready to run a half mile and everyone's stretching, he leans down to stretch and two people teabag him in the face nigh instantaneously, the second hitting him hard enough to knock him over, much to the hilarity of the surrounding students who at this age of course find anything associated with dicks funny. (and no, I sadly wasn't one of the 'teabaggers'. I feel if I ran into a guy that weak that I might snap his neck with my crotch, and I don't want to be sued for manslaughter :|)

You sound like a huge douchebag.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Oh, so I met this new guy in my gym class that I hate a lot. We were talking, and he is this cocky bastard who's twice my size. We got into a conversation and he said something about short people being bad at everything. (I happen to be tiny, 5'5 105 pounds (I'm 15))
Me: Oh yeah? Bad at everything? I could easily beat you up. (And I probably can, I'm quick and trained in fighting)

haha, I have the opposite problem.
I'm 6'2 and have been for about three years.
The problem is that i'm too nice, and we have tons of kids at my school with "little man syndrome" who try to take on the whole god damn school.
I'm usually challenged at least twice a month by some short kid with an attitude for simple mistakes like bumping into them... though being as big as I am, a bump could send them flying

For instance,
I was standing in front of some lockers during my off hour while talking to a friend.
This really short wannabe ganster kid(who happens to live in a rich suburban neighborhood) come up and goes
"get the fuck away from my locker."
I walk away and just laugh and mumble to my self and my friend
"Grow a couple fucking feet and your voice might've reached my ears..."

And this kid didn't even hear me, he just knew I mumbled and gets all defensive and shouting
"what the fuck did you say? Ya'll talkin shit over there? Get back here so I can kick ya'lls asses. Fucking pussies!"

Being non-violent, I laughed and walked away.

But I go through this twice a month as i've said.

I'm like the guy who walks through the dog park where every little lap dog has to pick a fight with me. lol

edit: I have nothing against short people :3 Just the ones who think everyone is out there to get them.
Last edited by Heyyouguys; Sep 19, 2009 at 06:34 AM.
In 6th grade my friends and I used to swing on the swings and yell shit at a bunch of people. Pretty funny stuff. We started laughing at this kid who had a small head, careful, though, not to let him hear it and be insulted. He sees me pointing at him, comes over, and asks me what I'm doing.

<Him> What?

<Me> Nothing.

<Him> No, really, what do you want?

<Me> Really, nothing.

<Him> You know, my mom's right over there.

<Me> Listen, dude, nothing.

<Him> If you don't tell me, I'm hacking your grades online using a source code.

My friends, this "hacker" has just failed life.
[16:53] <Mosier> Trippy

I find it hilariouse that everyone is making fun of people for natural attributes such as

Age,head size, etc.

Now what i'm wondering is what people say about YOU all behind your backs :3
Proud to be Casshern09's alt :P
Don't judge lol.
Originally Posted by Heyyouguys View Post
I find it hilariouse that everyone is making fun of people for natural attributes such as

Age,head size, etc.

Now what i'm wondering is what people say about YOU all behind your backs :3

I get the feeling you're talking about me. You should've seen our school at recess time, everybody acts drunk. Nobody even cared.
Last edited by Nebu_old; Sep 19, 2009 at 07:09 AM. Reason: ooooops
[16:53] <Mosier> Trippy

Originally Posted by Heyyouguys View Post
haha, I have the opposite problem.
I'm 6'2 and have been for about three years.
The problem is that i'm too nice, and we have tons of kids at my school with "little man syndrome" who try to take on the whole god damn school.
I'm usually challenged at least twice a month by some short kid with an attitude for simple mistakes like bumping into them... though being as big as I am, a bump could send them flying

For instance,
I was standing in front of some lockers during my off hour while talking to a friend.
This really short wannabe ganster kid(who happens to live in a rich suburban neighborhood) come up and goes
"get the fuck away from my locker."
I walk away and just laugh and mumble to my self and my friend
"Grow a couple fucking feet and your voice might've reached my ears..."

lol, I have exactly the same problem. Like exactly.
Nebu, lol, what a douche.
Well, anyway, story time.

so, there is an asshole in my school. Wow, right? But this is no ordinary asshole. Being about 4 feet shorter than me, and 2 feet shorter than most others, he feels that everything is everyone else's fault. He says things like "you wouldn't have done that if i was tall".
i say things like "i wouldn't have done that if you weren't a dick"
this actually happened once, when he deliberately walked into me, and fell over. He held out a hand for me to help him up, and i walked away.
he came up and threw a punch, while i wasn't looking, so, without thinking, i turned around and slammed him into a wall.
even though i wasn't punished, on reflection, i regret that. I react without thinking a lot.
Last edited by GreekDemon; Sep 19, 2009 at 07:25 AM.
Holy Demon
...be afraid

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
lol read clansbots story on first page. so funny. i was like whoa ur a friggin violent 6th grader hahaa. ima edit this post with a story soon.

ok i thought of it. story time kids. So im in 8th grade just so u dont think im like a elementary schooler. so i was playing basketball in p.e and some kid had like the friggin shittiest shot ive seen in my entire life. and the kid has like anger management problems. so this is the dialog.
me: wow that like the fucking shittiest shot ive seen in my whole life.
me: wow. at least your not pissed off.*i start laughing at him*
him:*takes a huge swing at my face*
me:*ducks beneath it* *laughs again* *doesnt run*
him: yea your luck i missed on purpose!!!
me and everybody else in my p.e class: LOLWUT?!?!?! what are you talking about your just slow as hell and i dodged it.
him: oh yea!!! *grabs my chest*
me:*feels pain* *wonders if the kid is gay*
him: *acts offended like i hurt his feeling* *almost tells the fucking principal on me even though i did nothing*
me: *punch the douchebag in the face* *walk away leaving him crying*

yea hes a freaking weird kid. umm i dont understand what happened either lol. so i understant if your confused. when he grabbed my chest he had such long nails he made it bleed. it was pretty funny. ahhaha.
Last edited by monster3; Sep 19, 2009 at 08:12 AM.
Originally Posted by fistfury View Post
The thing is!
That he says it all the time,and you have to like me more than him D:

But his counter was the best thing in the whole story D:
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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I dislike alot of people, but public hating isnt an awesome thing to do so I dont go around punching them all in the ovaries
there's this one particular guy at work though, I do stocking and he does cleaning but somehow he always ends up taking my shifts anyway. I try and get them as early as possible but thats sometimes a bit inconvinient. It's not that I hate him personally its just a re-occuring thing thats lately been pissing me off. grrrr
Founder of raku

Originally Posted by Heyyouguys View Post
Wow... I just noticed that all these stories are
A. About people who are prudes and get pissed about little things.
B. Dicks who choose to be jerks to people who are different.

Oh, no. Read mine, and you'll see some situations are just awful.

But you're right. It seems like people around here generally (Well, 50%, at least) are bullies. I find this odd, as this is the internet, a sort of resort where bullies get bullied by trolls (or m0o). So, well. I don't quite believe all these stories. Like, "I beat him up, broke his back and rendered him handicapped. It was awesome". Even though this hasn't yet occured, it's close.