Endurance Onslaught 6.0
My first love ahhh i remember it well was grade 7


My first ever day of highschool i got all ready in my uniform and shit and went to school, i only had one good friend at that time and we were in the same class full of randoms, i went into my classroom and was like :O there was the hottest chick i had ever seen, (at that time i had shit social skillz lol) so me and my friend just kinda sat at the back

In the next couple of weeks she saw me staring at her a few times and she smiled and i had caught her staring at me a few times, one lunch time i was with my new friends on the oval and she came over and asked if i wanted to walk with her, we ended up walking all of that lunch time just talking about stuff and she gave me her number.

One night it was full moon and me and her had been texting non-stop for the last couple of weeks that night was one of the most romantic and just amazing nights of my life (at that time ) i actually told her i loved her and said she loved me and we started going out lol.

That very next day she wasn't at school i asked her friends where she was and they didn't know, so i go about school and yadda yadda go home and pick up my phone it has one new message and all says was "im sorry"

She ended up going out with a grade 10 for a couple of months got fucked and abused and all this other stuf,f i tried to help cause i still loved her but she wouldn't let me, now she is heavily into drugs and grog and is kinda screwed

And i ended up with her best-freind who i am still going out with today


Lol that took ages
You can't fall in love with a fictional character. Especially not one with literally no personality. FFS.
These are delicious links. You must click them.
I guess the only time I loved a girl was my last girlfriend.
We were together for 2.5 years until I broke up (I was totally drunk when I decided to break up, awesome story), then we had sex for another year and now we don't meet eachother anymore.
She said 'I'm not in love with a girl, I'm just in love with being in love' once.
I guess she is right. She is a wise lady.
Seducing many girls is just way funnier than sticking to one. I love being a cold-hearted bastard.
I hope I'll find a suitable woman for me sometime though ... in 15 years.
Last edited by NutHug; Sep 1, 2009 at 06:30 PM.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Mine was during this summer (I'm 14 and i'm just being noticed XD)
Her name was Shana and she is really cute. lol. We met at the pool... Idk why she picked me O.o
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Eddy i think you made that all up
ok so your new in school your new to school and you are dont no many people then magically the girl you fancied asked you to walk with her. people in high school dont ask stuff like that. then it was a full moon and you were texting all night. then when she broke up with you she magically started getting abused and started on drugs

i dont want to insult you dude but that is a massive lie. people if you dont belieave what im saying this guy is lieing. that story is like something out of an american high school film
Last edited by mark2766; Sep 1, 2009 at 09:53 PM.
Lost my virginity to what I thought was my first love. We stayed together for quite a long time, actually. Ended after about a year due to her being a whore and me not knowing about it and I hope she drowns in a cesspool of aids while getting fucked in the eye with a toothbrush.

Now I have to get tested, explain to my current why I'm reluctant to shag, and hope for the best.
collect snots from the nose
Lol, toothbrush.

I know I've never felt proper love before, but the first girl I officially 'dated' when I was liek 13 (yeah, wasn't really that serious :3). Didn't last very long, it's just one of those childhood things.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time