Originally Posted by nogginbash View Post
what exactly is the point of Linux anyway?

The main use is to make homebrew games. Sony does have a thing in their license agreement doohicky that states that we can make homebrews as long as we give them credit or something like that. But there are many other possible uses. The PS3 would make a pretty powerful computer, after all.
i liek turtelz xd
Originally Posted by jaredvcxz View Post
The main use is to make homebrew games. Sony does have a thing in their license agreement doohicky that states that we can make homebrews as long as we give them credit or something like that. But there are many other possible uses. The PS3 would make a pretty powerful computer, after all.

I've heard that linked linuxed ps3s can be used as a budget supercomuter.
I still believe, even though I could be wrong, that most gamers buy a PS3 for its games. Not for PS1/PS2 games or to install Linux on it.
The Slim looks just fine to me.
Originally Posted by Drakhir View Post
I still believe, even though I could be wrong, that most gamers buy a PS3 for its games. Not for PS1/PS2 games or to install Linux on it.
The Slim looks just fine to me.

To be honest. One of the reasons I was able to buy mine is because of backwards compatibility. I owned a PS2, and tons of PS2 games I love. I sold my PS2, and with that money I bought a PS3. (I already had 250-300 Bucks saved) And now I happily play my PS2 games on my PS3.

And sony is still selling the Fat ones. So people can choose. For Style, Linux, and GBs.
Just found a walkthrough that shows how it completely looks.
Now that I've seen that, I like my Fat even more.
The new PS3 only has 2 USB slots and I don't like how the eject and Power button look.
I would still go with the smaller slim version of the PS3.

I think it's just the idea of a smaller console that appeals to me.
Originally Posted by ThatNGuy View Post
^same here, i'm probs going to sell my one and by the slim.

What about backwards compatibiliy. And the USB slots?