For prices:

Playstation 3 costs $400 for an 80 gb system with one controller. However this includes a built-in wireless adapter and free online play.

An XBox 360 costs $300 for a 60 gb system with one controller. Then, add on $100 for a wireless adapter if your router is too far away from the 360, then add on 50 a year (or summat like that). So that's $450 off the bat.

Also, iMOD3RN15, are you retarded. You can't have had a 360 for five years seeing as it was released in 2005
Since when did I become Asian?
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Yeah, less then a year is within months. Unless all of a sudden, 9 months = more then one year, because the idiot I quoted said "360 came out yearS before PS3." :P

within months is within one or two months..
PS3, since Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to be exclusive for it(Maybe PSP).

Also it has 100% free internet service(Other than the carrier you naturally need for internet)

It has the Sixaxis controller(Like Wiimote except without the retarded motions)

And it uses Blu-Ray.

Problem with Blu-Ray, though, is that the laser is so powerful it burns itself when it reflects off the disk after a while, but I'm sure they'll fix that within a year or 2.
i liek turtelz xd
Originally Posted by jaredvcxz View Post
Problem with Blu-Ray, though, is that the laser is so powerful it burns itself when it reflects off the disk after a while, but I'm sure they'll fix that within a year or 2.

Yeah, there's an auto-fix for this in the PS3 you can accsess. It's recommended you do it once every 3 months, and it only takes about 10 minutes to do.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by Killa_Kyiris View Post
xbox 360 has more people on live 360 is better

Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
I prefer ps3. I also cant see any big differences in the graphics.

i agree but i have had sony more but i like 360 ftw
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
wow ps3 is sounding better and better.

the only reason an xbox is better for me, is because I don't need the wireless adapter.

I like the games more, and the community is bigger.

oh and thats why you spend 10 bucks and get the protective case, the psp will last forever, and you can play your SNES and you gba and what not!


Only problem with the psp is that it can be fucking impossible to play with in sunlight because of the massive glare that can be produced. Well... that happens with mine D:
Since when did I become Asian?
I see the 360 as a Ghetto version of the Ps3. The 360 and Ps3 have almost identical graphics, yet the Ps3 has some added features and what not that make it seem more high quality and what not.

I myself own a 360. I got it for 3 reasons.

1.) Its cheap. I bought my 360 for 200$, while a Ps3 may cost 400$.(Depending on the memory.) This allows more people to own them, and therefore more people play.

2.) The multiplayer online is more extensive, and you can get rewards and what not with your points.

3.) They got a customizable avatar update not too long ago :3 (Yet it resembles the Wii a little too much now.)
If you are going to buy a ps3 wait a few weeks or even months, like me. They are going to become cheaper soon. I'm saving up with my brother for a ps3 and we are waiting for them to become cheaper. I went to bestbuy and Circuit City today and they it was 400 bucks for the 80gb version. I really don't know what that much memory is good for but w/e. I was also playing Force Unleashed and that graphics were excellent. The Xbox has a stronger graphics device but the ps3 has a built in router and blue ray player. Also, buying the internet for the Xbox is a pain in the ass and many of my friends with xboxs got this red ring of death, and there xbox crashed. I know people who have gone threw 2-4 xboxs. I'm getting a ps3, I don't know what your getting.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
i have both a ps3 and a 360, and i like my 360 better, because for one, all my friends have a 360, and i can play with them online, and 2nd, (correct me if i'm wrong) bluray uses full 1080p/i, and the majority of people don't have tv's that use 1080p/i, so the blu ray isn't that big of a deal to most people.

so take the blu ray out of the equation

IMO, the ps3 seems like more of a more business-like console, whereas the 360 is more based on a fun theme. yes, i understand you can change both the themes on them, but it still has that feeling to it.

say you want to take your console over to your friend's house for some system link action. your ps3, which weighs nigh on 15-20 lbs, is a bitch to carry to school, for example, if you're going after school. the 360 is a much lighter and more portable console.

i also like the 360's games better. not to say the ps3 has some heavy hitters, MGS and LBP for example, but the overall amount of decent games produced for the 360 just swamp the ps3.

this is just my preference. i find them both to be enjoyable, if maybe the 360 a bit more because it's mine and the ps3 is my dad's.

there's my rant for the day.
<now, stop playing toribash, and find someone to (bleep)> [Lgnd]Ethereal