Steam Games
Ok so lets say u have $15 in your steam wallet
which game will u choose to buy? And why?
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Assuming I had no games I'd buy CS since that's what my mates play. That and a lot of free games so hey I guess that works out.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I'am tho buy CS like ImmortalPig and with this reason. I buy terraria or DST: because this games is cool survival
If you have patience, you can probably wait for csgo to be half off and you will have 7.50 left, but I do agree csgo is probably a good option if you like fps shooters
Don't Be Racist
They were recently doing a bundle for the Borderland series for around 15 dollars, so i'd probably get that. Endless entertainment.
To be honest, I'd buy platinum on Warframe. It's a free game but it's great paying for a game that I love. That doesn't really answer the question, however, so the game I would choose is HuniePop or Hunie Cam Studio for... reasons not appropriate for the forum.
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