Originally Posted by daxter99 View Post
I'm not sure if someone have posted this but here...

lol i don't know you that my purse. *ballshot!*

Alright kid, time for the tutorial of a lifetime. To post Youtube videos right here on the forum, you use youtube tags and you only use the part AFTER the "v=".

Here is an example; [youtube]lHbF9ynGZV0[youtube]

I used the youtube tags and in between put the part after the "v=".

Now, I will actually make it visible.

call me kobe
Originally Posted by mrLOLface View Post
Alright kid, time for the tutorial of a lifetime. To post Youtube videos right here on the forum, you use youtube tags and you only use the part AFTER the "v=".

Here is an example; [youtube]lHbF9ynGZV0[youtube]

I used the youtube tags and in between put the part after the "v=".

Now, I will actually make it visible.

I learned that yesterday when I posted the video , so you're late!
Not really.

Am I allowed to post this?
I think I'm allowed to post this.
I'm posting it.
It's not porn.

Don't you dare fucking ask if I know what the hell they're saying.

P.S. - They think it's a mushroom.