Off-Topic: Hehe yeah you do
Oh.. btw.. I realised how brutal this game is I mean how MEAN is my hunter?!


And heres the fortress so far, on the left is the workshops, although the craft dwarfs are on the surface for now, I didnt think I would fill up the stone piles so fast.
Theres a trade depot but you proberly recognise them and on the right will be a food storage, still, kitchen and a dining hall (bit close to that lake.. scary)

Floor 1

And here is where I will remove the stone, smooth it out and make an office and beds for each dwarf, although I have a sleeping area on floor 1 :S

Floor 2

Mehh I exported 2 local images, because I have no idea what to do next.. or what I need.. So I ask you guys.
Also I got Migrants, 3 adults, and 3 children
I was gonna export local images but image shack only allows up to 10mb for free >.>
I made an air lock with a refuse pile in it, although that may get full so I'll have to tell the dwarves to go in and make it bigger when it gets too much
Last edited by souldevilj; Apr 8, 2012 at 06:46 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ahem everyone if you are new and dont know what to do just dont waste your time asking one thing each time you can simply watch df tut of captnduck(its not a shame to do) Im still watching them because I havent learned all the stuff I need to succed in this game and captnduck makes an awesome game feature review throught his tutorials
also about immigrants
the most food and drink resource and beds you have will bring more of them and this
Migrants will have skills that match your fortress' needs: Migrants with skills your fortress uses a lot or skills that your fortress doesn't have at all are more likely to show up at your gates. Important skills (mining, food production and basic crafting according to Toady) are weighed more heavily than other skills
just saw it today
Last edited by KillTheCook; Apr 8, 2012 at 08:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Here's a couple of screenshots from my old fortress in df version .31. I stopped playing on this fortress because of the newest update a while back, but this fortress is still going strong and has yet to fall despite attacks from Goblins and 2 Ettins.

Warning: Big Pictures

Not pictured are my bolt-holes for when megabeasts or goblin armies attack (large rooms with beds, food and tables at the end of a corridor filled with traps and doors) and the magma sea surrounding my adamantine supply.
Also lol I prefer the ASCII graphics.
Last edited by 4zb41; Apr 9, 2012 at 06:18 AM.
Wow nice! Can you like play a world after all your Dwarfs are dead in Adventure mode?
It would be cool to visit my fortress if it does come to me dying xD
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Wow nice! Can you like play a world after all your Dwarfs are dead in Adventure mode?
It would be cool to visit my fortress if it does come to me dying xD

You can indeed visit a fortress once it has fallen with an Adventure mode dwarf. Although that'd probably mean that your old fortress is overrun with monsters or magma or whatever. It's a very good way to start off an adventurer, especially if you have well crafted armor and weapons available, not to mention artifacts!
And kill any surviving dwarves, if you're that mean. Which I usually am. I don't want them ambushing new dwarves. Also, elves or humans are also useful. Artifacts are *rare* but good. Especially a certain sword...

That's a lot of barracks for a single fortress. But then again, just when I begin with it, an army attacks. Wild animals or not. It always happens, even when I dismantle the wagon to get wood to begin on the barracks.
Also, how many traps are at that entrance? Are those goblin corpses or something nearby?
Preparing to fight some ninja squirrels...
Originally Posted by sbanen View Post
That's a lot of barracks for a single fortress. But then again, just when I begin with it, an army attacks. Wild animals or not. It always happens, even when I dismantle the wagon to get wood to begin on the barracks.
Also, how many traps are at that entrance? Are those goblin corpses or something nearby?

I have 4 barracks because I have 4 10 dwarf squads :P
There are 14 traps in the entrance - 4 large circular saw blade traps, 10 weapon traps loaded mostly with spears and axes.

As for artifacts, I tend to get about 1 or 2 per in-game year. Unfortunately, they tend to be boring things like sandals or bags, rather than useful armor or weapons. My favourite in that fortress was a lignite statue of dwarves founding that fortress.
At someone's house, decided to practice some DF, made a cave (red sand.. looks weird..) and started making stock piles, then like 6 Sparrow Men ran in and kept interrupting my dwarves, I looked them up on the Wiki but there's no info on them, they aren't hostile (not yet at least) and I was wondering of you guys knew what they were, I used K to look at one and all it says is that it has the head and wings of a sparrow, and it has brown wings and black eyes... Speaking of creepy... my cat killed a goblin... It died to another goblin, but it saved a dwarf from death so we remember her as Dazroth the Vanquisher! xD Man, DF is soo fun
There can be just about any type of creature-men as there are creatures themselves. They're sorta randomly generated. For example, I had a group of 3 kestrel men, 1 kestrel woman and 1 mosquito woman annoy my dwarves for a while on my newest game. A couple of arrows from the resident marksdwarf made them run for the hills though.

They're pretty annoying, but not so much as getting 200 Giant Mosquitoes flying past your fortress and killing your fps as I did earlier
As for other giant things, I've had a herd of Giant Capybaras walk through, and 1 giant grasshopper. Neither of which was hostile, thankfully.
hahahah its cool I had fishmen last time and I think they were breeding with each other xD
I dont know if they can but the were upon each other for a long time
I have also seen eagleman
question is do they kill?

also I made a fortress yesterday that I abandoned and a trader followed my squad so I killed him to see what happens.Well they other dwarfs somehow realised he died from the other side of the map :P
and the hunters started killing my squad