Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Don't forget to turn the light off
Ya pasmatryu , yesli chu unas yest discord tam budit lekche.

yesli nada private togda biri moi i andrz's

Mine's - nexu1m#6404
Andrz's - AE#0880

Vot nash UssR server yesli nada - https://discord.gg/hwwt5Ja

Udachi na CL i paka
The Clan League brackets has been modified since a mistake has been made when accounting a TGS - TANG match.
Given this situation, and that noone played their matches yet, we decided to rearrange the brackets accordingly and extending the deadline until September 10th.
You can see updated information in the Clan League thread.
Sorry for the incovenience.
Good luck!
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Don't forget to turn the light off
¿àÞØÓàÐÛØ 3-8, ÝÞ ×ÐâÞ ßÞÒÕáÕÛØÛØáì á ÒÞ×ÒàÐéÕÝØÕÜ Taroni, 4edrick, SaintD, s7ing
Don't forget to turn the light off