-armoured tribal head is boring, eyes are too far up the head and looks fat.
-your drawn robot head isnt bad, but a little too cluttered around the mouth, that are would look like a blob ingame
-your shop shows me you dont do much but copy styles without much thought to making it your own.
i see mrama style heads(not the same quality that he makes them) darkjack style heads(also, not on the same level) malvado(dunno why you'd want to) and general sub standard robotic sets...

so a no from me
with a fairly harsh C&C
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Um i don't know how malvado makes his heads at all :/
i do have mrama style on anime.
Master Space Dragon of Element

Some textures my result in a loss of quality when resized(if they do i will put APPLY in the post with the texture)

Check my Texture shop

Like my Avatar? you can request avatars like that from my shop!
its not the point if u know how to or not.
the point is, some of your stuff looks similar to what he does
which isnt what we are looking for, we are looking for people who bring something different to the party
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
ok ill make somthing else
Master Space Dragon of Element

Some textures my result in a loss of quality when resized(if they do i will put APPLY in the post with the texture)

Check my Texture shop

Like my Avatar? you can request avatars like that from my shop!
Originally Posted by dentian View Post
um not exactly i make drawn robot heads too like this : (before i known anime style i draw these)

you can request something from me i can try to make it!

Yeah right.. I taught you how to do my style after you did anime style... =\
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
Application to the mob
Hey all! just wanted to stop by, and drop an application to you.
here's a couple heads(not my best work) that i have made. of course, like most decent head makers, i keep my Best work for myself.(lol)
well, here you all go!

(line in back fixed before being sold)

vvv Ish my favoritez!(Selling) vvv
Attached Files
ubersmiley head.tga (75.4 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by flamespike; May 28, 2009 at 01:36 AM.
Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480
thats odd

How can we judge you if you don't show your best?

Isn't that like going to a job interview carrying only your Elementary School Diploma?

Don't worry, we dont steal stuff here