Original Post
Minibash 0.4
We are beta testing a new flash game for the forum and iPhone.


Changes in 0.4
- Removed aging training restrictions
- Faster loading of game (assets have been made external from the game)
- FPS increase
- added sound for versus screen
- fix for custom torso color
- fixed menu button unpausing replay
- prevent long leg mods

The game is still under development, if you have suggestions for improvement post in this thread or join us on irc.toribash.com (/join #minibash)

When the game hits 1.0 I will probably reset the accounts to a fresh start.
Last edited by hampa; Aug 17, 2011 at 07:55 AM.
Originally Posted by Powerfish View Post
with the opponent with the Id 5454
I've got a "bugged" replay: my punch didn't decap him, but the replay shows it decaping him
i videoded it:

here is the video

(you can see i moved after the decap)

That mostly happen...
e made a lot of movements esp when im at a lesser RT
~knight zero~
Hey, i just realized. Minibash doesnt have an inventory..
Can it be possible to have inventory for the torso colors?
~knight zero~
Originally Posted by KZero07 View Post
Hey, i just realized. Minibash doesnt have an inventory..
Can it be possible to have inventory for the torso colors?

Inventory is not on the todo list for 1.0.

You change torso, you buy a new one
I could always add more customizations.

Any game play changes you guys want? That's more of the focus at the moment.
Will there be a feature to either change/buy the original Minibash 0.1 head? I really liked that one, and I'm sure that there are some others that enjoyed that version as well.
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Beta | Orko | Uric | Vodka | Aj | Ed | Firebolty | EJM | ChuckNinja
<[Obey]PlataBear> I yolo so hard erth looks up from his toilet
EJM wants me to change my name back. What say you, folks?